What kind of beer has the highest alcohol volume?!


What kind of beer has the highest alcohol volume?

ok I know about beers and I know this BUD will kick yer butt.thats why I drink millers...its cheaper and less alcohol...they say lite beer has more alcohol but I aint noticed the diff...now about that black mess they call brew over in ireland I dont know if thats even beer...Its sure powerful stuff like yagermeister will kick butt too ..I will stay with my miller

Any Canadian beer.

Malt Liquor.

Canadian beer called ICE

I think that Sam Adams brews a special high alcohol beer. Check out microbrews, the alcohol content should be on the label.

lol ha ha ha

American beer is brutal

What you guys get up to now 4%?

lol... wow


canadian beer is better


then european beer is better

Steel Reserve High Gravity has alot, and it only costs $2.99 for a 4 pack of tallies.

Sam Adams Utopia (2005) at 24% alcohol. But this really was a limited edition speciality beer. I dont even know if its still available. back then in 2005 it cost around us$100 per bottle. It really was not meant to be 'guzzled' like a normal beer but rather like a wine. It even had a wine_ish flavor

Your question actually asked what KIND of beer so if thats what you really want to know then the ales are usually strongest followed by the stouts then lagers and pilsners. (Thats if you regard ales and stouts as beer). Theres this ale in USA called Arrogant Bastard from Stone Brewers which is really high up there in taste and alc. content

You can find quite a few real ales around the 10% mark, the Durham Brewery do 'temptation' at 10% and 'benidictus' at 8.4%

There are quite a few belgian beers with higher percentages too, they generally have a higher ABV than what we have in the uk. Duvel - 8.5% Chimay red - 7%, Tripple 8% and Blue 9%.

These are all nice, but THE strongest beer in the world is Sam Adams Utopias MMII, at 24% officially the strongest beer in the world and £10 a pint too. its probably minging though

Sam Adams Utopias, it is the strongest beer produced.

Yikes! A lot of misinformation here ...

By "kind," I'll assume you mean brand ... right now, Samuel Adams holds the record for a domestic beer with their "Utopias" at over 24% ABV (alcohol by volume). This beer, however, is nearly uncarbonated and is meant to be sipped like a cognac or brandy. It's not a "typical" beer ... and it carries an atypical price tag too ... generally over $100 a bottle.

If you're referring to general "styles" of beer that tend to have higher ABV ... any beer with an "Imperial" moniker (Imperial stouts/porters/IPA) is generally in the 8% + range, same with other styles like Eisbock and many Belgian strong ales.

Oh, by the way ... in reference to a previous post, stouts ARE ales. Ales and Stouts ARE beer. Pilsners ARE lagers. Not meaning to be a jerk here, just clarifying for anyone's sake who might be confused.

When we talk about "Beer," we're generally always talking about either "Ales" or "Lagers" - a "Stout" is a type of Ale, while a "Pilsner" is a type of Lager.


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