Can you drink achohol when your 14 years old!!?!


Can you drink achohol when your 14 years old!!?

i've heard that you only have to be 14 years old to drink in a private party i just want to find out if its true or not cause my 14th birthday party is coming up soon and i wanna know if i can drink or not!! plz help!!

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11 hours ago
i dnt wanna drink loads jus a little bit with my mates i ent the person who wants to go out and get pissed!! thank you to the people who actually helped me and my parents say i can so i won't be going be hide there backs plus they will be there with me anyway!!

20 minutes ago
no you dnt get it i want to have it on special occasions only! not every weekend

Answers: 11 hours ago
i dnt wanna drink loads jus a little bit with my mates i ent the person who wants to go out and get pissed!! thank you to the people who actually helped me and my parents say i can so i won't be going be hide there backs plus they will be there with me anyway!!20 minutes ago
no you dnt get it i want to have it on special occasions only! not every weekend well legally your not allowed to purchase alcohol or drink it in a public facility but your parents or any adult are just as likely to get it for you to drink at home. Personally from experience I think its actually a good idea. Learning to drink in moderation in a safe environment is the best way to learn how to enjoy alcohol without over indulging. I was always allowed a small amount of alcohol, and by being given the opportunity in a safe environment (say at a friends house or at a dinner party) then I felt respect for my parents which meant i didnt want to go off and drink to get back at them, I have only gotten hung over twice ever and have learnt how to control my alcohol intake while enjoying the event. I would say at fourteen 2-3 servings of alcohol is the limit. You havent stopped growing yet and so more could damage your development. no, you have to be 21 in America. (18 in Australia)
It is not 14 anywhere ; does not matter if it is a private party or not. If you mean do you have the ability? Yes.
If you mean depends. In public no, but in the privacy of your parents homke under their supervision and usually only for religious purposes, yes.

But trust me, don't start drinking the "liquid stupid" at that age. Not a good idea. course not u idiot
too young
i get best answer coz im first that is just stupid!do u want to drink?
i think u should wait NO !!! And please don't be in such a rush to start drinking, it's not all it's cracked up to be. There are physical, mental, and emotional consequences as well as responsibility when you drink and there are reasons that laws exist prohibiting younger people from doing it. You are just not ready to handle all of it. Don't mean to be insulting, just stating the facts. of course you CAN't
wat are you? jerk?
your too young
and you might get disease in your body and its a BIG problem.
so DONT try to drink. Depending on the state you are in you can drink eith er when you are 18 or 21. This is true whether you are at home or out to eat. Yes you can drink alcohol at home or at a private party at age 14 or even younger (think it's actually 5 years old or older in UK). The sensible thing to do would be to talk to your parents and ask them if they would mind you having one or two alcoholic drinks, and tell them what you want to drink as well. If they do not agree then it is not a good idea to do it behind their backs.

I personally believe that sensible - and I mean SENSIBLE- drinking of small amounts of alcohol when a teen is growing up helps them todecide what is right for them, and how tolerant they are to it. If something is denied it makes it seem all the more desirable.

My parents allowed me a certain amount of alcohol at home and as such I grew up to understand and respect it.

If your parents do not agree, don't go into a teenage tantrum. It will not make you appear grown up. Try and talk rationally about the subject.

Good luck and have a lovely birthday.

Ellie x hey you far too young....can't you just be patient...??here in my suppose to be 21 bout you try some other drink...anyhow...happy birthday...may you have a great birthday party... Of course you can drink alcohol at 14 years can do anything you want at 14 years just can't legally buy it for yourself...however when you are screwed up and an alcoholic at 18 years old don't come crying here or anywhere else that you are in trouble......your life ...your actions...your responsibility if you want to die before you are 18.that stuff is poison

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