Alcohol and drinking?!


Alcohol and drinking?

Hey k so at school their teaching us about drugs and alcohol and stuff... but im like 15 and alot of people in my grade have gotten drunk and stuff so i know that im going to do it soon. but they said in class that alcohol is a type of drug, and it makes you stupid. i know that you get stupid while you are drunk, but after you are drunk are you permanently more stupid or is it just a temporary thing. ??

Answers: It doesn't make you stupid in the same way other drugs will. Otherwise it wouldn't be legal. Alcohol can cause problems though--the one I would be worried about is breast cancer. Drinking too much increases your chances of getting it by 30%. Yikes! Not to mention it kills your liver, seperates families, and leads to other dangerous habits. But you're young. If you want to get shitfaced on the weekend, try it out. Just don't let it turn into a habit. I was younger than you when I had my first drink, which later turned into partying every weekend, but after a couple years of that I only drink in moderation now. Moderation is the key. Make sure you have a friend with you when you drink; you'll be alot more comfortable and safer. And only drink if you want to, don't let that lame peer pressure make decisions for you! :) Temporary. Alcohol does kill brain cells but so does your cellphone, TV, microwave, and hairdryer. Yes, it is a drug and yes you do tend to act stupid when drunk, but that is half the fun. Ask your teacher if he/she ever drank. I'll bet they have. Alcohol is okay as long as you can control it. Yes, it is a permanent thing...otherwise you wouldn't keep doing it over and over. I think it is temporary. Haha. No, you don't become permanently more stupid after drinking alcohol. You become drunk, wake up the next morning with a good headache and then your right as rain.

I'd ask you to be careful though. I don't wanna insult you or anything but I think your a little young to be drinking. Getting drunk with other people your age who have no idea what they're doing can lead to a very bad and dangerous situation. Don't be in too much of a rush to start drinking'll have plenty of time later on. If you have to drink now least have someone with you who you absolutely trust like a best friend or something. Dead brain cells are dead forever and yes, people do some VERY stupid things while under the influence. The results of some of these stupid things are pregnancy, STD's, criminal records, loss of driving privileges, seeing your name in the newspaper as an underage drinker, suspension from school athletic teams and other activities, and other things.

The worst possible thing that can happen is to survive something you were responsible for that others did not. yeah its a permanent thing.

also how can I email you if you dont allow emails on your profile? yeah if it is permanate thing i haven't noticed it yet, but maybe u have to drink a lot more than i have to make it permananate, but honestly, can i give u some advice since u said u were planning on getting drunk soon, the first few times u get drunk do it w/ ur friends and let them cut u off u don't to black out a whole night, and if u have learned ur limits by the time u go to ur first real party, u will know were to cut ur self off at so u don't black out and end up doing someone u might regret, and u don't want that to happen the first time u drink u want the first time u get drunk to rock! just what ever u do do it safely!!! Wait. You are going to get drunk because others have been drinking? You are a lightweight, and I'm not referring to alcohol. If you submit to peer pressure that easy, whether or not you should be drinking is the least of your problems.

You are "like" 15, get your head on straight. Get caught with alcohol (MIP as they are called), and you can kiss your drivers license goodbye. (I believe for one year.) If you don't have a license, you can't get one until after your one year is up. Drink on school grounds, add a suspension to your perment record, adding bagage for when you go to college. The biggest effect that alcohol has on the brain is the inability to make new memories, so remembering new things will get harder over time. (in other words, start drinking now and watch your GPA at college get worse over time.) Thats three things right there, notice that I didn't even mention grounding/parent/family issues. (although if you are thinking about drinking now, perhaps you have issue there too...)

For the record, I do drink alcohol. Not every day, and not even every weekend. (most weekends however...) I had my first drink at 23, and am very careful with my drinking. No drinking and driving, no going to bars or clubs, no drinking until I puke/passout. Yes drinking is fun, but its not something that you should be doing. Get out of highschool first, get finished with college. Get settled in your adult life before adding in alcohol. I'm sure you disagree, but you are still a child, and don't need to be drinking.

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