Do you think the law will ever change.. drinking alcohol to a younger age?!


Do you think the law will ever change.. drinking alcohol to a younger age?

do you think that in the future,the age will be lowered for drinking?

Answers: Absolutely not, well, I hope not, are you in the US? 21 does seem a bit over the top, but 18 is about right, but no younger. Maybe 19 would be better across the board.. not sure, of course in France they give their children watered down wine from a very young age and it seems to educate them about alcohol..

Good question.. Don't be stupid!!! Kids can't handle their drink as it is! You're blatantly underage for even asking!!! Nope because other kids ruined it for the future generations. It is already in the works. 18 will soon be the new drinking age. The reason for this is the government makes money on DWI programs, and they understand that with youth there is of course ignorance. And with age there tends to be more wisdom. neh, not here in america. . .kids in europe and other places usually walk everywhere so there is a lower chance of drunk driving, at least from teens. . .hey, if they lower the drinking age, they should up the driving age to 18 like other places. . ."tit for tat?"

hmm? Absolutely not. Us 21+ are irresponsible enough with it. They definitely aren't letting even younger people do it, legally. they lowered the drinking age to 18 and young people killed too many of us older innocent folk so we went back and took drinking back to 21...we're considering making the legal age of drinking 25 and legislation is already in motion. if anything the age will be raised
its 18 in the uk
uk is the place to be as long as you dont smoke or fart in public Maybe if some chavs take over the government. But in all honesty with teenage drunkeness and stupidity getting worse they'll probably just keep making it higher. By 2020 it'll be 21 as in the US. no chance, the age limit will be highered sorry wont happen lol
they prob think it STILL is TOO young!! lol
I know i wish...that's life!!!! no. the reason for thoes laws is because our minds are not done growing untill we are like 21.. so if we drink it makes us STUPID! :)

but kids will always get drunk..the law aint gonna stop us! in the US, the states were basically forced to raise the drinking age or else they would lose federal funding for roads. So unless a state is able to compensate for that lost funding, it's not going to happen. no its going to get higher ...!! I think it would be a better idea to ban drinking in public, it would certainly put a stop to all these binge drinkers and the devastation they cause, with drunken driving, drunken brawls, the whole world would be a better place to live. No. It used to be 18 and they moved it to 21. If anything, it will get raised again. All of the States within the United States at one time or another had the drinking age at 18. As of this date, the drinking age is 21 in all States. The reason for this is that, even people at the legal age, and at other ages, still drink, become intoxicated, and do not take drinking and driving responsibly. Lowering the age would not do justice out on the road with liquer, beer, wine, or other type of alcoholic beverages.

I hope that this helps. That would be a seriously bad idea. Alcoholism is a rising problem and i can't see any government lowering the age at which you can buy it.

Particularly the overzealous Nanny state we have right now (UK) Thats a negative You must be a minor....LOL... If anything they will raise the age...Not a bad idea...Watch all the thumbs down from the minors....LOL They'll lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 within the next few years. The argument was if 18 to 21 year olds are old enough to serve in our military and protect this country, why aren't they old enough to drink alcohol? All I can say is, I hope not. And I am definitely in favor of a greater crack down on the underage drinking that we do have. It has touched my family as well as people I know. Too much pain for such a stupid reason! in a perfect world yes the age should be 15, however the labour scum in charge will try to raise it to 21. Hope not, very risky! No the drinking age law at 21 will not be changed to a lower drinking age. It is bad enough now in bars with 18 year-olds passing for 21. I would hate to think of 16 year-olds passing for 18. If you want to drink at 18 move to the Virgin Islands! unfortunately i think they will move it up to where u have to be older than 21. thats my thoughts on the subject. i hope this doesnt happen but i really think its gonna come down to it. I am nineteen but I dont think the law will ever be changed to under 18 yr olds.

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