How old were you when you first got DRUNK?!


How old were you when you first got DRUNK?

is 15 early?

I was allowed to have alcohol on special occasions starting at age 8 (I was raised in a european household). Because there never was a temptation to drink because I was free to, I've never been drunk. Tipsy yes, but never drunk.

How young is too young varies between cultures and countries so there really is no one right answer to this one.

15, is way to early. I was an adult at least 30 and I never did it again. I don't like the hungover feeling.

I think 15 is early, but I was only 17 when I first got drunk. Both ages are still illegal and unhealthy for a teenager. We all do dumb things but live and learn I guess.

6 years too early

Honestly, I was 14. Big mistake, and yes it was way too early.

It is one thing to be curious and get drunk once. It is not a good thing to make a habit out of it. Have you seen the Lifetime movie about the girl who used to drink w/her friends? One night she drove drunk with her friend in the car and they got in an accident and her friend ended up dead.

These movies are normally based on true stories. Be careful if you are doing such things.

nah. my first time was when i was 13.

i havent had an achoholic beverage iin my life, and 15 is pretty young

I never drank in HS. I was 19 when i first got DRUNK, although I had experienced alcohol before.

I was just never a big partier. I get drunk more often, but not at HUGE parties, usually smaller gatherings of people.

honestly, with everything a fifteen year old CAN do, and what most already are doing, it is not the worst thing in the world. but i was 12 when i first got drunk, maybe even 11. yeah, bad family influence (dad;s an alchoholic) so i didn't learn to many things besides seeing him drunk.

so maybe im not the best person to be answeriing this?

Don't make fun but I've never been drunk but the best age would 18 or when ever you get out of school or if your in school!

I am a muslim and god forbid i would never get drunk!!!!!!!!!! And yes 15 is a very young age to drink, i don't even think you should even get drunk at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was 16 and it wasn't a very good time. I spent the night in the cop shop waiting for my folk's to come and get me. That was one long wait and ride home. I think 15 is to early to get drunk just use your better judgment you'll do fine

i was 15 when i first got drunk and i wish i would have waited until i got alittle older because of the stupid things i did. your already foolish at that age you don't need to add booze to make you even more stupid

no its not 2 early I'll be 16 July 8Th and I've been drinking for 2 1/2
years you drink when your ready that's all there is to it if you feel your old enough just do it its your life your decision no 1 Else's

I was 13 years old when an older kid gave me alcohol. night train, gross. i got into big time trouble with my mom. it is too young. please dont do it. think about consequences before you do it.

I was 21, but I didn't start drinking until I was 20. My brother was 13.

I was already in college before I got right smashed off my face, my last year of high school my pals and I got a little buzzed once or twice (one girl was convinced she was drunk off three sips from a cooler, it was sad) but that was about it.

15 is too early because you can do some serious damage to yourself, get hurt by others, and likely were not drunk but simply buzzed if you lived to tell the tale.

i was 15, london's dry gin, my parents were out of town, it made me super sick, never touched the stuff since then.

15 veryyyyyyyyyy drunk s&*!^#*!&^#*&t that was bad

I was drinking at 13 but first time I got ****-faced, threw up and passed out, I was when I was 17.

i was like 13 or 14 my 1st time. 15 isnt too early if you are careful and dont drink your way to the emergency room 2 have your stomach pumped


11, and it was tipsy rather than drunk, it was midori, I climbed up a steep bank and got stuck, so had to keep climbing up to the next road and walk all the way home the long way. It was okay, the next time I got drunk was 14, then 16, and I now am 23 and enjoy alcohol in moderation, a wine or 2 with dinner. 15 is perfectly okay as long as you don't get in the habit of binge drinking. French cultures introduce wine much younger and only enjoy it with food, and do not have a bad alcohol culture.


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