Fights with frat guys?!


Fights with frat guys?

How come every time I go out I seem to almost get in a fight with frat guys? I think it's because I don't like to be yelled at and pushed around, and me and frat guys don't mix apparently, although some of them are cool.

Answers: Before I would answer this I would need to know things like, how large a campus, what percentage of students are members of frats or sororities, and are you going to a place that is know to be kind of the greek (fraternities and sororites) hang out.

As a frat guy from many years ago, it is hard for me to imagine that if you are on a large campus with a low percentage of greeks that they would remember one non-greek individual. In this scenario, it would seem that you go spoiling for a fight.

On the other hand, some fraternities do not have much alumni supervision -- and the mob mentality overrides common sense. Have you acted inappropriately towards a sorority girl (particularly one that was somebody's girlfreind or is particularily popular) Younger men have this whole, big machismo thing going on -- like proving there manhood by trying to be the knignt in shining armor on the white horse.

Is it different frat guys, one frat guy, or a subset of frat guys?
If it is one guy, just stay the hell away from him and dont paint the whole group with the same brush? If it is a subset of frat guys, perhaps they share a common dislike for you, like you offended someones girl freind, you spilled beer on one of them, or you are the subject of some negative gossip that has spiralled wildly out of control, etc. In that case, they are probably just buddies with the 3 muskateer attitude one for all and all for one who share a common dislike of your for some legitimate or illigitimate reason. But that is no different than dorm roommates or floormates becoming buddies and sharing common percieved enemies. Again, in this scenario, dont paint all frat guys with the same brush...

But if you say you have problems with both known and unknown frat guys randomly from the entire frat system, I think the problem is you - either you go looking for a fight or, with my sympathy, you are a radical nonconformist and something in your appearance or manner attracts negative attention. The prior you can control, the latter, again is not right, but often a fact of life.

If you are going into the "Greek" bar as a non greek, then it is a little like going into biker bar and not being a biker (wearing preppy close for instance) or being a white/caucasion and going into an ethnic bar. You are just asking for trouble. Your own fault.

The next time you run into this situation, instead of reacting defensively why dont you say something like this in a light hearted, non threatening manner --- "Life is so short, instead of arguing or fighting we should be drinking - Let me buy you guys a beer" or "I could whip your asses but instead, how about I buy you guys a beer". Or, if you have done something minor yet offensive, how about privately apologizing? Save your dignity but get your self out of social purgatory.

Only you know or at least are in a position to know all the dynamics of your situation, and ergo, you are in the best position to know how to resolve your situation.

My advice, rent the movie "Animal House" and you will see that college "Greeks" aka frat guys and sorority babes can be as ignorant as GDI's (God Damn Independents.)

Good Luck Source(s):
4 years of college, membership in a frat, former alumni president, etc. Probably because you're hanging out in places with a bunch of frat guys. It's the combination of frat guys and alcohol. Could also be the fact that you are not a frat guy.

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