Do you like Tequila?.......?!


Do you like Tequila?.......?

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1 month ago

1 month ago

Just love it! I have a collection that's gettin' mighty low! A?ejos are my favorites although Reposados and Silvers are good too.
A?ejo Tequilas have the individuality of Single Malt Scotch. Some are spicy, fruity, smoky, sweet.
No lime, no salt and certainly no worms! Eewww!
It's exciting and intoxicating, no?

Love it!

hell yeah...i eat the worm..

used to...i loved it too much for too long. Now I cant even touch the stuff

IN MY 20'S, NOW IT MAKES ME BARF............

It`s good on vacation down south but it isn`t something you can sip slowly and enjoy.


Yes, with the worm is great!

Yes, I love having margarita's .


YES! I don't drink. But when I am in a "drinking mood", I'll drink margarita (it has tequila in it).

One Tequila
Two Tequila
Three Tequila



no worm please!

not really i can not see why anyone wants to drink it straight without mixing it with something

I've never tasted it... i'm only 14!

yeah i like it with lemon and salt.
however, i dont drink it anymore because i got really drunk on it and half the night was a blank to me..

Yes, I do. Makes me a little crazy though. Tequila sunrise is my fav.

not me i much prefer crown royal.

only when I want to get my face smashed in by some jealous boyfriend

I Love it!!!!!!!! I am so weird though, I'd take cuervo over patron any day!

Does a Bear Sh-t in the woods? Yes....

I actually do not. I had it straight, I had it in lime Jello shots and I hated it. It tasted like grass to me, and I got so goofy off it that my friends hated ever thinking to introduce me to it because I would not shut up about how much it tasted like grass.

I've got a pal who swears by it though, and he's cool so maybe I'll give it another try some day.

Loved... but not now...Oh gosh!!! e last time i drank Tequila (10 shots) while waiting for a guy..he came so late ..Damn!!! My tummy was in Pain!!! Extreme PAIN!!! COs I did not Eat anything....E next Day I puked.. Guez wat i was feeling nausea for 3days and My tummy was still in pain..till i see e doc hahahahaha!!!OH man..from tat day My phobia..."TEQUILA"

I dont know if I would or not.Never had it.

Used too violent when drinking Ta-kill-ya, broke my hand twice while under the influence fightin & tried to kill a few people as well...had to quit!!

I down a shot almost every Saturday night with my bestie. Yes I do like (no, make that LOVE) Tequila.

ayyyyyyy yay yay yay yay yay yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! ahhhhhh hahhhhh hah hah hahhhhhh! hell yeah, i love tequila! we used to go get a bottle, some salt, some limes n a pallet or two of wood, drag it down to our beach and to the end of the cove n have a big drunken bonfire :) good times :)...


oh my yes yes and yes. however.....that stuff is truth serum and i lose all inhibitions (maybe that is not such a bad thing ey) i have done some real stupid stuff after drinking tequila but i still like it and my friends and i go to a mex restaurant every wednesday night cause they serve margaritas for 99 cents. so i go eat and drink a few and leave with a bill of maybe $10. can't beat that

not any more..
drank it twice
friend and i drank a bottle each and she got voilent. (generally a soft hearted chick) gave me an uppercut that I returned with a right hander.. it threw her head back, hit the wall then the floor, after bouncing off a dresser table. I then went outside and cried to her flatmate for an hour saying .. i just smack out my mate..

3 x long island ice tea (there aint no tea them) and i was soooo sick the next day.. The boss sent me home... never, NEVER again.. ever ..

This is not a yes or no question. It's like asking if you like cars. There's a big difference between a '57 Chevy and a '79 Chevy Nova (or a Yugo for that matter). If you are going to drink tequila do the following:
1. DON'T shoot it. Sip it or enjoy it in a margarita.
2. DON'T drink anything that doesn't say 100% agave on the bottle. If it doesn't say that, that means it has a lot of crap in it, and it's the crap (sugars, grain alcohol) that gives people a hangover.

Once those first 2 are met, you're in for a real treat, and there are still hundreds of different and different tasting tequilas to choose from.

To make a short story long - I LOVE TEQUILA!

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