Should smoking be band in all states?!


Should smoking be band in all states?

like in bars or resraunts

Here in Ohio they recently passed a smoking ban in all places.......even though I don't smoke, I think it should be up to the individual businesses to decide.


no I think they should have sections but don't take peoples rights from them. tobacco has done alot for this country. Maybe we should ban cell phones from bars and restaurants. People die all the time from fast food, cars planes swimming crime cell phones. Lets banned everything.

Yes. That would be great.

People die everywhere from smoking, states aren't the only places where it should be banded.

in bars no in resturants i think its the decision of the owner. but i really wish that smoking wass MORE frowned upon

I think you mean "banned" .

I wouldnt have a problem with that

i smoke myself but yes i do think it should be banned in a restaraunt not so much in a bar



Should smoking be band , no we could all enjoy the music
Should smoking be banned , only in places where minors would be in attendance. has been banned in my state, and I can finally go out and enjoy myself in a bar or restaurant without second hand smoke floating in the air and then go home with decent smelling clothes. I remember years ago waking up the next day after I had been at a bar and my clothing reeked! Its a personal decision to smoke, but it should not have to affect other people!

No. This is America. Freedom of choice supposedly. U that dont like smokers. Lets take away something that u enjoy and ban u from doing it where u want.

most places.

No. I'm not a smoker and I hate being around smokers, but there goes another personal right. We have some neighborhoods where the neighbors can't smoke because it drifts to another house. If a restaurant are bar wants to ban smoking, that's another matter, but imposing it by law is a bit much in my book. Oh well. There won't be smoking in those places come February 2008 in Maryland.

I had an athsma attack from people smoking around me, but i think the government should help by helping people that do smoke to give up! banning them is just making it worse!

I like having the freedom to make up my own mind how I feel and the freedom to make an educated choice. I don't want to live in a communist country.

you mean banned...ok and NO your an idiot if your going to ban smoking in bars and smoking allowed restaurants it drives more customers away than it gains. it should be the owners decision its the only fair way.

I am NOT a smoker and can't stand the whole thought of it but even I don't think it should be banned totally. If you want to ruin your own life - then so be it! Don't take others down with you. Do NOT smoke near children -- my biggest pet peeve!

I do NOT think it should be banned from bars but can clearly say that it would be a-okay in my book if it was banned from restaurants. You have to walk through the smoking section just to get to a non-smoking section! And then, it's just a table away!! I don't think that's fair. But then again, I've gone to plenty of stores and business where they are smoking right outside the door to the entrance and that's just as bad.

It's a toss up for me! Do NOT condone it or approve of it but can't stop anyone. So in conclusion - NO to banning for bars but YES to banning in restaurants. As for it being universal for all states - yes! Polices should be the same. Don't want to go on vacation and have to search for restaurants specifically to cater to me and my children and our non-smoking preferences!

no. banning smoking in bars is dumb because people who drink and smoke are gonna get drunk and then have to go outside to smoke. doesnt make any sense


yes. because we should take care of ourselves and our body. our body is sacred and should not be damaged by any means. it should be banned not only in the states but in the whole world.

In restaurants yes but bars I they should allow if they have certain provisions like ventilation systems and high ceilings similar to what casinos have. Or allow smaller bars to have a certain sections that allow smoking and others that are smoke free.

no. i do not smoke but whats next? banning smoking in homes b/c your neighbor is allergic??? in your car??? banning certain types of music b/c others are affected by it? individual owners should make the decision to allow or ban things.

because u didn't smoke then u wanna ban that??? this is not fair... and smoking is great when come with drinks....
if u don't like to be in a smoking area then u should stand at a corner or open air place so that u won't get choked..

In my opinion smoking should not be banned. However, I like the idea of smoke-free restaurants and bars as I am not a smoker.

I think a person should have the freedom to choose to slowly kill themselves through smoking if that is what they so desire.

Little by little the government seems to want to take away our personal freedoms in the disguise of various causes such as "The War on Terror".

America is supposed to be "the home of the free" and if smoking was banned in all states than America would not be as free as it once was.

Smoking kills people - we all know this now. It has killed at least one person in your family (if you had smokers in your family). We all know it's bad for your health.... but the government allows it so they can tax it.... but doesn't do enough for people who get sick from smoke related problems.
I am an occasional smoker - cigs and cigars but cannot stand to be in a closed room with smokers. If you need to smoke go out doors... and in any case it's best to just plain quit.

I say no to either. Keep seperate in resturants,but bars should have smoking all around. Cigars are another thing though. Do that at a cigar bar or home. I won't let my hubby do that outside of home.

This is a good question that I can put my viewpoints on. First, yes I do agree that it should be up to the business owner, our rights are slowly getting taken away in a free country. Think about it, I don't understand. They say all this pollution from cars and factories and everything cause the air quality to be sooo bad. If that is so bad, then how is smoking any worse. How bad some places are polluted, it is safer to be in a room full of smoke then be outside. I also think it's stupid about second hand smoke, it has been proven that it isn't as bad. I am just upset mainly because they are passing laws places that you can't even smoke in your own car, that's crazy.

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