What's the dumbest thing you did or HEARD you did when you were drunk!!!?!


What's the dumbest thing you did or HEARD you did when you were drunk!!!?

I walked around the house in nothing but a shirt in a house full of company! Soooo DUMB!!

Blacked out when celebrating my 21st. I woke up in the lobby of the Hilton the next morning with all my credit cards maxed out. Apparently I bought drinks for everyone in three bars and then paid for hotel rooms for everyone who was unable to drive. Apparently I didn't act like I was drunk, just rich and stupid. Funny since it took 7 months of working two jobs to pay them all off. First and only time I've gone out drinking.

sleep for hours in a river completly drunk and lost my house keys, one week later go back to that river and found them.

hit on my ex's sisters, both of them

i robbed a fast food joint and did ten years in prison

I hung from my knees from a tree and puked all over my date's shoes, and lost my glasses and had to go back the next day and find them! What a hero drinking Tequilla with my Bro's! LOL

tried to have sex with a soft noodle

Well the dumbest thing that I saw and I was an unfortunate was getting our drunk food this girl hops up onto the counter and jumps off of it and trying to land on my friend. She ends up knocking him over and into my left knee, fortunatly it was only a severe sprain and nothing tore.

Drank everyone's shots of Tequila that they conviently put in front of me...I KNOW I told myself Id stop at two...jumped on my friends husband on the dance floor, grapped his "bleeps" cause she dared me to, went to the bathroom to barf, locked myself in the stall, so no one would know I was barfing (durrr), passed out in the toliet in the locked stall, to be carried out cold by 6 guys, woke up naked and in a good mood with no clue what happened the next day...thus the nick name Tequila...well that's how the story was translated to me anyway....because yeah...dont remember!

wow thats crazy umm i don't get drunk

drank cheap (ohh so cheap) wine with my best mate when her dad died. We then hitched to the coast and back again. I fell asleep on the way back. Lucky he was a nice guy and dropped us back at our front door!!

then there was one time... in band camp....heheheheh : p

i discovered myself suddenly under the shower

Not me but a beloved of several years after a night out with the boys, came home took his clothes off by the front door (except undies), threw up in the downstairs loo, then tried to crawl up the stairs chanting "will you still love me in the morning" with his mates and partners watching. He still thinks his mates are lying but cannot deny photographic evidence of him hugging the loo !!!!!!! Still love him dearly.....

4 of us locked ourselves out of my house at 4am. fortunately the basement window was unlocked, but the metal bars were blocking our way in. thank god the one guy had a hacksaw in his truck! still haven't fixed those bars.....

After getting kicked out of the bar we (me and a couple friends) were in for getting in a fight or being too loud (I don't remember...). We walked out and there was a stretch limo/escalde/SUV outside (again too drunk...). I walked over to the driver and started explaining how I'd never been in a limo before... sure enough the drive walks us to the back and opens the door for us. We get in and immediatly get handed drinks and aparently the people in there were celebrating something and their company rented the limo for them... As soon as we get in they all said they were taking off to some bars in near downtown Houston, TX.... now we were in south Houston about 50 miles from downtown... So... Of course we went!! I don't remember what happened after that, but one of my buddies said we ran around downtown with these people in their Limo picking up girls and getting free drinks all over. Ended up getting a taxi ride home at some ungodly hour and passing out in Denny's across from our apartment and having a cop wake us and sent us home for good....

Falling backwards off a barstool. Totally embarrasing,but so funny to look back on.

one of my drunken nights? went to watch a band play at a club and decided to go skinny dipping after the band got through,with the band members,we had to break in the pool climbed a fence ripped my pants. we all got in, the sun was coming up so we decided to get out and get dressed before we got caught, all of a sudden we heard cheering, the fire department was next to the pool, the firemen where watching the whole time!!!

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