Im thinking of giving up drinking, but it seems like my social life is suffering massively by it.?!


Im thinking of giving up drinking, but it seems like my social life is suffering massively by it.?

i dont like being around realy drunk people, and dont enjoy going to clubs sober. i have no problem sitting in a bar/pub and chatting but not drinking but when it comes to actually going out, i either end up having a cray time if i dont drink or cant be bothered to go in the first place!

what do you guys do instead? alot of my friends like to drink and dance and i havent met many people who dont drink

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2 days ago
im 19yrs old so drinking is part of my 'culture'. almost everyone goes out(its alright for a senior citizen to say its sad because u havent grown up it this age where drinking is what you do!).
im not giving up for any real health benefit(although i knw there will be one) it jsut that im not having much fun going out drinking and i always feel bad the next day after a drink or 2.
im also still a student so giving up drinking is more of an issue then if i was mid twenties with a job and partner.

Answers: 2 days ago
im 19yrs old so drinking is part of my 'culture'. almost everyone goes out(its alright for a senior citizen to say its sad because u havent grown up it this age where drinking is what you do!).
im not giving up for any real health benefit(although i knw there will be one) it jsut that im not having much fun going out drinking and i always feel bad the next day after a drink or 2.
im also still a student so giving up drinking is more of an issue then if i was mid twenties with a job and partner. I'm going through the same thing now. I decided to give up drinking and my friends aren't very understanding. I unlike you don't mind going out sober it's just that my friends will give me a hard time over not drinking (unbelievable) so I pretty much had to stop hanging out with them for a while.

It's a hard thing to do when your life is centered around that type of atmosphere.

This has what's made it easy for me. I thought back to the days back when I had interests and hobbies before drinking and got back doing those. Try to get into things during the day. Most real people keep normal hours if you keep partyer hours still it's really hard to not want to go out at night cause face it there is nothing else to do. I'm only a couple months into it but I feel so much better my health is so much better for it both physically and mentally.

If all your friends do is drink your social life will suffer temporarily. But how long can you keep up drinking like that until it tears your life apart? You certainly can't do it forever. So if this is what you want it's better to do it now and your real friends will be understanding of that. Make sure they know it's nothing personal its just that you don't want to drink anymore. Its very hard and you could lose friends over this, but you will feel 100% better in the long term change friends... That is why it is hard to give it up because there has to be a behavior change
If u want it bad enough u will Those partying friends are mostly airheads anyway, but that migtht be hard to realize when you're young. you must leave it because it's good for your heals sorry johnny but i recon ur wrong, if they truly are your friends they will stand by ur decision. u can go to the cinema, you dont have to drink when u go dancing (i was on lager shandy last night and it actually tasted better than straight lager) u can go ice skating, shopping etc. u dont have to drink to enjoy urself No I don't drink I used to be a major drug addict but I quit drugs four years ago and alcohol I might have the occasional drink like once a year. But no I'm much more focused on paying my depts and working at the moment. But I still have plenty of friends they're not going nowhere. what a sad person you are. To need to drink to have a good time is ridiculous. I am a senior citizen and have never needed to drink to have a good time or to enjoy things with my friends. Go bowling, to the movies,stay home and read a book,The group I grew up with never went to bars or clubs we found things to do for fun. Try it, you may like it. Stop making excuses. It's YOUR life. Get out there and live it!

Boo-hoo I can't have fun without drinking. Ugh.....Make new friends, get a new routine, get some confidence so you feel comfortable in the clubs if that is where you choose to go, you should be able to go, have fun and not rely on a drink. Im wandering if there is a reason why you are giving up drinking is it health or something else? The thing to do from what youve said is to look for social environments that revolve less around drinking or whatever it is that makes you want to drink in those situations. are you shy perhaps and feel more comfortable after a few drinks? you could always dry just easing up on the drinking no matter how little you drink. you could always try a wine tasting tour. just some things to consider. Why don't you try drinking less often, and drink a bit less when you do go out?
I don't understand why you have to abstain from alcohol completely. i quit 19 yrs ago
ain't killed me yet'll be ok don't worry about your friends just do what you think is right but what i think is right is that you should switch friends change, people places and things you will be fine be like me pig out at the weekend enjoy life I agree with you that going to clubs sober is no fun at all. But then getting drunk ruins you for the day after and it's really not your thing.

Look around your local gym for a social event.
Sign up at your local squash or tennis centre to play competition. You don't need to be an A-grade player! They'll slot you in a starter grade and put you with a team of players with similar skills. After the game's over, you get to socialise.

You don't have to drink to make friends and have a good life.

If you're not into sport, join a card playing club or walking club. You have so many options! You are a young lady starting a new path in life, if you don't particularly enjoy it and still want to be with your friends, have cool drinks "in-between" drinks.
Lots of us do drink, but it's YOUR decision and there is nothing wrong with standing your ground and having a lime & soda for a change. Don't let them "bully" you into booze, - if they goad you - stand firm and say "if you want my company I SHALL DRINK WHAT I CHOOSE."................Good Luck & have
I read cook books & love being in my kitchen. If we look at this situation objectively we see that drinking (partying) seems to be a very important aspect of your life. If you want to be healthier or just plain feel better by abstaining from drinking, what difference does it make to anyone else? If your friends are not supportive of this decision or are making fun of you because of it, then I say you need to find new friends. New friends could make the difference between having a lame time and having a great time.

There are lots of things to do besides drinking! You just have to discover what it is you want to do. You could workout, play tennis, play basketball, play volleyball, play football, start a band, go to the movies, shop, bowl, drive, walk, race, jog, volunteer, game, date, cook, work, or whatever else you want to do. The possibilities truly are endless.

Looking at the legal aspect of it, you really shouldn't be drinking at 19, anyway. You can socialize with drunk people or sober people. Ever see many successful or lucid drunks? It's better to be sober because you will live longer and have more quality in life. I gave up the hard partying life and now I'm having the best time of my life. Don't succumb to peer pressure. Hi! Laura 77, Anything done in moderation is O.K. it is
a problem when disorderly conduct is displayed, and!
overindulgence! can lead to organ desease as you well
know! but if you go to a bar it is unrealistic, not to drink
but limit the amount you intake, and you can stll enjoy
your friends and yourself. Not because your culture
has these traits, it means you must hurt yourself, No!
you should use caution and wisdom when it comes to
your health and social life. well since u are young i would just keep drinking what's a beer? stop at one then next thing ya know u might not even want one and if your friend give a crap offer too be the DD and that will get ya off the hook. A little trick I learned in Germany is to buy a bottle of sparkling water with your wine or drink and as you drink you add the water always keeping your glass full. It tastes just fine and tricks you into thinking you always have a full drink. My friends here have seen me doing this and they think its kind of cool.

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