Alternative to beer???!


Alternative to beer???

I can only drink lager when am in the pub, wine makes me too drunk too quick and i dont like drinking spirits eg; vodka an coke, they make me ill, but i keep getting told that woman shouldn't drink beer as it is really bad for your figure and some blokes have told me they have seen gorgeous women ruined by the stuff an i should find an alternative that also is acceptable 4 a woman 2 be seen drinking, ( i usually drink pints) but what is there? Oh i also don't like wkd's or smirnoff ice as they give me heartburn. What can i drink when i go the pub tonight?

Guinness its more natural than lager

How about cider - especially as it's the 'in' thing at the moment?

wine spritzer its half wine and half soda water so you shouldn't get to drunk

only thing left is cider, guiness or bitter.

cider and blackcurrent or if you dont like anything at all try drinking halves apparently that is the lady way to drink

How about you get some friends that are not drunks?



Personally I wouldnt take any notice of people telling you what to drink!

How about instead of just having wine have a spritzer (wine and soda or lemonade) or Cider?

i drink half a cider when i'm out (ok many more than just one half lol) it looks better than drinking a pint, it doesnt get you drunk quick like wine does and its cheap!!! sorted!!!

but! its supposed to be very bad for your stomach?? as long as you dont eat after a night out you wont put on too much weight ''its not what you drink its the food you eat with it!''

How about the Ale? Loads of Women do drink the real stuff. And look fine. Have a try you never know.

Drink what ever the f**k you want tell them to suck them selves off if they dont like it, men are shovenistic pigs. Who cares if it doesnt look good for you to drink beer? no one asked them anyways

Orange Juice

Drink what you wanna drink. Beer is bad for everyone not just men (they get beer bellys) No alcohol is good for you! I wouldn't take too much notice of those who say its not attractive - everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Just do whatever makes you feel comfortable - if you don't like anything -what are you supposed to drink? Water?! Where's the fun in that?

Bit of a 16 year olds answer but how about cider....... it's coming back ya know !!!

Have you tried the new ciders? like sirrus or even low calorie beer. Some pubs have quite a big range or fruity ciders they seem to be the in thing at the mo.

Women that drink beer (real beer) are hot.

If you only like lager, carry on drinking lager, but try half pints instead of pints.

Most women who drink pints do get fat and speaking as a bloke it's not particularly attractive to see a woman drinking more beer than yourself.
Any bloke who says he's not bothered about a woman drinking pints is probably a bloater himself, so ignore what they have to say.

As an alternative, if you miss the feeling of drinking a pint, why not drink decent lager instead of Fosters/Carling. Kronenbourg is a great beer and a few half pints of that will have as much impact as pints of cr@p lager.

Happy boozing!

Try 8 pints of Stella, tell 'em to p155 off and give 'em a slap!
Seriously, are they just trying to get you off pints and onto halfs, as it's more "lady" like. See comments above...

If u like larger then drink larger my ex used to hate me drinking it but i loved it. If u want to try something different the Guiness, Bitter's or Ale's and half's are acceptable for ladies to drink (prefere a pint mysel but new bf altongh lets me drink what i want always get me a half looks more lady like.)

Plus in from 1500 - 1800 everyone drank Ale's as the water was not safe to drink man and women a like it was only the victorian's that thought it wasnt right for lady's to drink and it stuck like that till the 70's and then it went to lady's have half's and well we drink what we want now.

Personally I'd tell them to get knotted, your choice of drink is exactly that - your choice. But if it really does bother you how about bottled lager - less than a pint and looks a bit better. Lager tastes better from the bottle too. Or spritzers maybe. Red wine spritzers are especially nice.

drink your beer..... but if must be seen drinking something with alcohol then do what i do when I don't want to drink booze but have to mix with the crowd. Call the bar keep to the side and tell him or her that you want to a tall glass of seltzer water, twist of lemon and sprig of mint.... This looks like a G&T, you certainly won't gain weight and you'll fit in with the pub crowd. When you're ready for the next one just tell him / her, "same as the last!".
Otherwise - drink your beer and to hell with everyone!

Well firstly tell them all to sod off, you will drink what you like! Why not halfs of shandy? tasty and not as potent. I drink cider and i love it, people dont comment on me drinking pints of it, prob wouldnt dare and anyways since when was drinking pints just a mans game. Tschhh! It wont ruin you if you do it in moderation, lifes to short to give up your favourite tipple x

Just drink a light beer and when you are not out drinking make sure you stay healthy with excercise and drink plenty of water. Drink what you like not what you are told!

Water. Cheap and No Hangover

Beer will not ruin your figure. If you drink enough of ANY kind of alchohol, then yes it will stick to your waist, and yes beer does tend to to do that if you drink on a regular basis. If the blokes are telling u that it is not acceptable for a woman to be seen drinking beer then they are in the wrong century or have had too much of the stuff themselves. I love my beer and I am proud to hold my amber or stout pint up at a bar! There really is no substitute for a good pint. Be proud woman!

U have what u enjoy!! If ur happy with the way u look sod wot a bloke thinks. U have a good nite

white win spritzer? white wine and sprite

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