How often can i drink and i won't get addicted , won't be an Alcoholic?!


How often can i drink and i won't get addicted , won't be an Alcoholic?

Like twice a week. or ..?

I think it has a strong connection to whether or not you have an addictive personality. Do you smoke? Do you have other habits that you are addicted to (drinking soda everyday)? Alcoholism is a serious issue that develops over time and many times without the person's direct knowledge that it is happening (because many people don't CHOOSE to be an alcholic, they develop a habit and then don't realize the problems it's causing until a ways down the road). My suggestion, drink in moderation and don't drink if you are feeling angry or sad. Alcohol is a depressent and will only make you feel worse in the end.

Drink in moderation and have fun!!

My experience with drinking

Know your limit. There's no definite amoutn, obviously. Try not drinking!

Hey...if you never start, you'll never have to quit!

whenever you want

that changes for each person ... you just gotta know your own body

That's entirely up to your body. It's not something that anyone can answer. If you think you might have a tendency to be or become alcoholic, then one drink during your lifetime is too much.

Never, trust me!

u can drink every day and dont get addicted, as long as u only have 1-2 a day over a span of time

Alcoholism is mostly genetic. There is no way to if or when you will become addicted. Some people can drink everyday for 20 years and then put it down no problem. Others cant. If you feel out of control get help if you don't let the good times roll.

alcoholism is a disease... it is defined as feeling the need to drink...even if you have never had a drink but feel the need to try one you would be considered an alcoholic, which i feel is a load of crap, but i enjoy a couple beers after work almost every day and dont consider myself an alcoholic.....I used to be back when i was drinking fifths just for the hell of it, but i think as long as you handle your business and continue to whatever you want

Would you give it a second thought if for the next 2 months you didn't have any drinks? If you dwell on th thought of needing a drink, or 2 months seems like to long to go without a drink, you are already addicted, if not psychologically dependent on having a drink.

Addiction is the desire or belief that you need something.

You will probably be fine as long as it's kept in moderation.

everyday just don't get drunk

If you get to feeling that you need to drink you've drank too often. I don't think there is anything wrong with drinking a beer a night as long as you are not getting drunk every night.

I suggest not drinking at all

just ONE drink can get you addicted

Ask my husband Brian. He knows. I drink a couple every now and then and I'm not an alcoholic......yet!!

You could possibly be biologially, or psychologically, predisposed to alcoholism.

If you find you have compulsive habits, like snacking when you're not hungry, avoid alcohol and drugs. Drink only on rare occasions and in moderation.

depends on your body some people can be addicted from 1 drink a week others can drink 4 or 5 a day and not have a problem. best way to never get addicted is to not drink

Is anybody in your family an alcoholic?
If you answer yes, don't drink at all. Chances are to great.
If you answer no, watch for signs...problem is that once you become hooked, the signs don't mean anything except that you know why your drinking. You still won't stop.

There is no magic number of drinks that a person can consume that will guarantee not becoming an alcoholic. It's basically like playing roulette. Your body has a unique chemistry that will react in it's own way to alcohol. No one will be able to tell you whether you will become physically addicted after one drink or after 100 drinks. There are also phychological factors that can come into play regarding addiction in terms of why you are consuming the alcohol and whether or not you have an addictive personality to begin with. If you have family members that are alcoholics your chances are increased that you could become one also. There are warning signs of physical addiction and I suggest you do some research so that you are more prepared. A person can abuse alcohol without being physically addicted and that can still be just as fatal. I'm not trying to make alcohol out to be some monster because it isn't. Simply put, you need to drink responsibly and ALWAYS be aware of what it is doing to you and what your limits are.

It don't know that it is "how often" that will make you an alcoholic. I think it is the change from wanting a drink twice a week to NEEDING the drink twice a week. Also how much you are drinking twice a week. You can have a glass of wine or a beer every day and it doesn't make you an alcoholic, but if you NEED a glass of wine or beer every day you then have problems. If the glass turns into a bottle...

your already addicted. watch out, beer is more of a gateway drug than pot. next comes shrooms and acid during your high school years, by your senior year youve done ecstacy like 15 times, and by the 2nd year of college you've blown at least 20 lines of coke. u should get at least one Minor in possession and a DUI.

oh wait, thats my story. nevermind, stick to smack and vicodin and you'll be okay.

There is not an easy answer for this question. Congratulation for having this concern. Knowing that alcohol is dangerous and being concious of how you drink is probably the best way not to become an alcoholic, and yet that is no guarantee. It would be helpful for you to find information on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse. Learn the difference between the two, and know that if you never ABUSE alcohol you will not become an alcoholic.

Just search the internet for information. Just search "alcoholism", "alcohol abuse", or "drinking problem". Educating yourself with this information that will help you not become an alcoholic.

"how often" you started this question like you are an alcoholic tring to vendicate that your not so my suggestion is better think before you do it because once you get started you may end up like we say in A.A. you end you in jails.instatutions or death trust im in rehab right now!!!!

hate to be generic but it depends on u... u wont be an alcoholic if u have self control, and if u are responsible to enjoy the drinks and not go over board u should be fine

moderation is the key having a beer/wine or two a night is not a bad thing but you should have a few alcohol free days a week.

your build can also be a factor in how alcohol affects you we are all made different if you think that your drinking is becoming a problem then maybe you should seek assistance or cut back on your intake.

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