Why do people drink bud light?!

Question: It's horrible beer, it tastes so bad. Why not treat yourself to a quality beer instead of that cheap ****. Only thing worse than that is keystone light where you get 50 for $15. So, I have made a promise to myself that I won't drink those crappy beers anymore. Life is too short to waste on **** beer.

Another question, is bud big with the rednecks? It seems like it is and its all over nascar.

Answers: It's horrible beer, it tastes so bad. Why not treat yourself to a quality beer instead of that cheap ****. Only thing worse than that is keystone light where you get 50 for $15. So, I have made a promise to myself that I won't drink those crappy beers anymore. Life is too short to waste on **** beer.

Another question, is bud big with the rednecks? It seems like it is and its all over nascar.
Because it's not filling and it doesn't get you drunk fast. And the people who actually buy it would really prefer having a thin bland tasting beer, because they're afraid that a beer with any real flavor or body might possibly distract them from their meaningless social interactions. You're also correct when it comes to rednecks. All they care about is whether if what they're drinking is cold and cheap, and they're very easy to advertise to.
I prefer Coors myself. Some people don't have the money to spend on fancy shmancy beer.
Nascar sponsors like Bud,Miller,Coors have there own followers....
Bud lite is bad 50% water goes right thru you!! so you'll buy more!!also cheaP!!! beer means you buy more!!
My neighbors(Mexican variety) polish off 4 cases a night! and when they dump their recycle barrels all you hear is glass!!!!! droppin out, i'd say 70 dollars worth a week!
There are some people out there who are just plain stupid.
no....there are beers worse than either of those 2 beers...i mean there's like something i think its like "milwakee beast"
or something like that....but i agree bud is def. not my favorite
I think Bud Light is a good, high quality beer and what I like best about any Budweiser product is its consistency.
Budweiser is the only brand of beer that doesn't make me sick, other brands of beer give me diarrhea
I like Bud Light and Budweiser. And I'm not saying that not haven drank anything but Bud beer. I've drank at least one each of about around 220 beers with a list to prove it on a card from a local bar. If I had to pick just one beer out of those 200+ to drink for the rest of my life it would be Bud Light.

And for the one guy that says you have to drink more of them to get drunk because it passes through you quicker, you're obviously an idiot. The alcohol gets processed in your body just as any other alcohol would.

And just to note on what I think the world's worst beer so far is: Guinness. Its terrible. Its the most watered down tasting beer I have ever had. It tastes like dirty water. If you think its a great beer then you're just joining the class of pompous elitist pricks who try to differentiate themselves by being self-proclaimed "beer connoisseurs." Just drop the act and realize that Budweiser has become America's top beer for a reason: its actually good. It has nothing to do with price because I could find at least 10 other brands of beer in the stores that are cheaper.
it's a cheap buzz for 15 bucks a 30 pack of that crap called beer!! i've drinking it, if their's noyhing else to drink at a party or sunday, then it's the last resort!, but rather get new casale or some german beer!!
Because they are amateurs.
Bud and miller spend billions brainwashing the public. And rednecks are easy to brainwash. Go figure.
Hi, I use to bartend pt back in 94 and 95. It was just basically a workman's bar and mostly beer and shots. We had alot of call for Bud, Bud Light, Coors, Coors Light, and then a few with the taste for the imported, like Molsen etc. At that time, Zima came out, Red Wolf, and Red Dog. My boss stopped stocking Zima, since nobody bought any and most didn't like it at the bar. Red Wolf they liked sort of but not much for Red Dog. We had a few calls for Miller Light and MGD. I think that Bud Light was the most popular with regular Bud next. Then Coors Light.. I never drank beer so no idea what was so good about any kind. But just letting u know what the guys seemed to perfer for whatever reason.. :-) PS A real redneck from the hills in PA. loved the one that had the most Alcohol content called Lighthouse! LOL
Bud Light Rules, JACKASS!!

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