What's the best headache medicine for a hangover?!


What's the best headache medicine for a hangover?

I've heard certain types of aspirin are better for you than others. Does Advil, Tylenol, IBprofen, etc have pros and cons over each other? Thanks!

Water or gatoraide the night before.you get the headache from dehydration.

Drink 2 beers

Hair of the dog......drink a beer.


The best medicine for a hangover headache is not to drink!! If you don't drink you won't have a hangover, therefore solving your headache hangover!

The best hangover cure is......... start drinking again......

The best medicine for a hang over, is what you already had. Alcohol is a toxic substance and it will give you a headache and or nausea etc... Once you are able to think clearly, consider the subject, and do not drink alcohol again, and there will be no headache, and no need to take anything for it. Get well soon

i dont take any pills......just try to eat a turkey and ham sandwich or a club and drink a 7-up or a vernors or any club soda..........u will be just fine once us get all the rest u need.

u do know they sell this pills called "chaser" and ur supposed to take them before u start drinking to avoid the hangover episode. i never tried them so i dont know if they really work.

eat more breads while ur drinking or something that will soak up the liquor and u wont have any hangovers.....or eat after u finish drinking

Drink a Bloody Mary. Nothing beats it.

Alkaselzer, if you read the back it even says for overindulgence. After numerous hang overs I found this to work the best not only for headaches but all hangover symptons.

Take 2 motrins and eat a nice greasy quaterpounder w/cheese from McDonalds... Works for me every time...

if you already have a headache, then you need to think of one of those (Ibuprofen + Paracetamol combination is superb) tablets, lots of water, and sleep!!

if the headache hasnt started yet, just quiet (silence) and sleep would most often be sufficient.

and often, the "keep drinking" solution works perfect!

Hydrate (drink water) night of and morning after. Abstain from food until about 2 pm, then take a nap. Don't over-do it with coffee, instead drink milk to settle stomach.

BC powder kills the headache...ginger ale cures the nausea. Or, like some other folks have suggested, just start drinking again!

Ibuprofen, lots of water, and greasy food. Next time you have a night out on the town take b12.

Take BC Powder and drink a bottle of water before you go to bed . You can find BC Powder (crushed aspirin) at Wal Mart or most drug stores. It's in a blue & white box. You'll never have another hangover again!! This stuff works great!!

I hardly ever take any medicine when i wake up i the morning, cause i remember reading before that medicine can actually make a hangover worse. Honestly vitamin C and lots of orange juice ALWAYS help me. If you're one of those types of people who absolutely need medicine, or if you're completely trashed and know you're going to pay for it in the morning take 2-3 IBprofins at night with a glass of water. Also, eating before bed when you're drunk can make a hangover worse in the morning as well, so try and wait to eat until the next morning! hope this helps!!!

chaser plus..... works the best....

My neighbor (A guy) said that Midol worked for him. You could try it !!!

Never take Tylenol after drinking, read the label, it can cause severe liver damage, good old fashioned asprin and time. Drink lots of water before you go to bed after drinking, it will lessen the headache which is caused by your brain being dehydrated.

hang overs are you dehydrating, drink plenty of water, refresh your electrolytes with gatorade and take advil migraine to ease the blood vessels in your head

Don't drink.

Some people suggested to take medicine before you go out to drink... thats a big "no." When you take Ibuprofen it thins your blood thus making the alcohol affect your system more harshly. Also Tylenol affects your liver, so drinking with it is a double whammy.

When you wake up with a hangover sometimes there isnt a cure. But the best bet would be to eat something starchy (bagel) adding peanut butter and honey to that snack can also help and wash it down with a gatorade. The potassium in the honey helps counteract the effects of the alcohol and will decrease the cravings for it.

The link I provided has a bunch of natural remedys, you just have to keep drinking and try them all out to see which one works best for you! Cheers!

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