How many shots can you handle. . .?!


How many shots can you handle. . .?

Before you pass out?
What kind?
How do you like it? Neat or chilled?

15-20 for me. Tequilla, since it is the only thing I drink. I like it cold w/ lots of lime & salt.

it all depends . it depends on if you ate that day what you ate what youve done that day if your tired or just woke up what else is in your system what you drink first and how fast you drink , i used to drink a fifth of whiskey a day but now im out by my 10th shot of jameson if im drinkin at my normal pase(fast)

I will drink you under the table! Let's have a competition!

2-3..... fuzzy navals shots. i'm a light weight!

When you pass out from drinking you are only a few drinks away from death. You are young and killing brain cells you didnt know you had

I'll catagorize this under "questions of dubious origin that I will never have to consider" since I DON'T drink!

i drink anything that i like. i am a beer fan but i like drinkin gin. i pass out after 19 shots of that and i wake upp drunk. thats alot i think. anyway. i prefer smokin my weed anyway and sk8boardin

how about you GET A LIFE!!!!! drinking will ruin everything for you.

Probably ten or more. I at one time drank a 5th of Southern Comfort. I might have been close to alcohol poisoning. But I still love my vodka.

5 shots of tequila and i'm done. i'm quite a light weight...otherwise known as a cheap date.

I got a shot a couple of days ago. It made my arm a little sore, but I didn't come close to passing out.

About 4 shots (in the double sized shotglass) of quick fucks and I'm out. I usually stop myself when doing shots, so I'm not on the verge of passing out, just rather drunk!

MAYBE 2-4 lemondrops...maybe. But just thinking about it makes my mouth water like I'm gonna puke.

Yes, aging SUCKS.

The most shots I have ever had was 31 shots on my 21st birthday. On a good night I can handle 10-15 and about 5-10 beers.

My favorite's include: Jagr Bomb aka Flu Shot (Jagr and Red Bull); Kamikaze (Vodka, Triple Sec, and Lime Juice or Sour Mix); and an Irish Car Bomb (Drop a shot glass mixed of Jameson Irish Whiskey and Bailey's into a half full beer glass of Guiness, then chug).

You really need training wheels (lime and salt) for the Tequila? Have a Tequila Popper or Patron straight instead.

omg... if you're only leaving a comment just to redicule people, why take the time to write anything? Do u seriously not have anymore of a life then to come on here and talk crap to people??? keep it to yourselves! Now to answer the question it depends.... tequilla knocks me OUT! i can handle about 10 then that's IT!!!! vodka is another story tho..... i can keep taking shots of that all night!! lol

After losing not one, but two young friends to alcohol, I don't drink.
Also remember that women are born with all their eggs and any toxins they put into their bodies will effect their future children's health and IQ, as well as their psychological profile. Women who drink are more likely to have kids with deformities and ADD, ADHD, autism and low IQ.
It's not worth it.

Tequila is my fav too.
Used to go through whole bottle now 7-8 shots make me sick as a dog.
But i love me some tequila! mmm mmm ;P

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