Where can I buy brand new beer tap handles?!
Where can I buy brand new beer tap handles?
specifically Guinness, Heineken and Coors Light?
Ebay! I've picked up about 35 tap handles from ebay for a decent price. Half the fun of buying handles on ebay is finding the best price. If you're looking to just buy them, check the link above.
The best place is http://www.beertaps.com
They have by far the best choice of new handles. Mos tof the other places I have found only sell used handles. I have purchased 3 different tap handles including their Guinness tap handle that fits on american beer keg taps.
I would ask a local distributor where you buy kegs from. Not a liquor store. I have bought Red Dog and Sam Adams taps from our local
Theother answer or a beer dist. will give them to you
Have your liquor store check with his distributors. They have all of the factory stuff.