After a night out ,when you come home wats the first thing you do?!


After a night out ,when you come home wats the first thing you do?

i first do a long piss that lasts for ages(soz)then look for food leave crumbs everywere,then go to sleep in my clothes

Long long pee... then I seem to allways try to make some random food like waffles or spaghetti, get impatient, give up, and end up having cereal or something like that. Then bed!

I can't get in the door without petting my dog.

go find a trash can and crawl into bed

I always have to pee, the second I get home,public restrooms are SO nasty!

lots of water, and going to the bathroom then i stay up and watch a little tv before knocking out.

i wud literally fall on my bed and sleep as if i havnt slept 4 ages!!

Do homework. Study. then watch naruto.

I'm always tired towards the end of the night when I'm out partying, but as soon as I get home I'm wide awake again, so I do alot. I usually drink a shitload of water, because I get the worst hangovers, kick off my heels then I have a shower, change into comfy p.j's, then eat and watch t.v. until I fall asleep!

Change clothes while peeing, put the puppy in her crate, have one last beer, and go to bed with the TV on.

It's been too long for me to remember

EAT anything and everything!!! lol

The best thing to do it's to drink some water or athletic beverage so the hangover will be easier the next day.... the headache it's cause by the dehydration of taking out the alcohol.

Look for my keys.

Then, turn on the TV, put in a movie, and fall asleep in about 5 minutes.

I usually pass out with the TV on

Ditch my heels.

have sex with my man

drink lots of water and pop a couple of Tylenol. Then crash out. But before I go out to make sure I am not hung over I pop a vitamin b12

take off my uncomfortable high heels!

The ultra-long Piss, Smoke pot, Eat EVERYTHING I can get my hands on while watching ESPNnews. Pass out, clothes off optional.

If it was a really good night like my recent birthday....I apparently (it's a little hazy:) come home, eat something not good for me, and pass out in the same clothes I went out in. Woo-hoo! It's Friday night...I'm ready to do it again! :) Cheers!

change into more comfortable clothes, make some food and then drink one last beer while watching late night tv on my couch with my kitty!!!

Grab another Beer

If it's early in the evening, I'll watch tv and eat snacks and have tea, if it's 4am and I'm trashed I'll stumble all over the house, wash my face, then stumble into bed and sleep like the dead.

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