My face becomes red after drinking alcohol?!


My face becomes red after drinking alcohol?

It becomes very red when I drink alcohol, not that I ever drank much alcohol ever. I drank for the first time yesterday, and it was just one bacardi breezer, and my face became really red. Is it an allergic reaction? Or is it just normal for your face to become red when you drink alcohol?

Additional Details

1 month ago
I'm not asian, I'm white.

1 month ago
I'm not asian, I'm white.

I am also white, I am light skinned and a redhead and this happens to me if I drink anything with tequila or rum in it. It is not an allergic reation, just the was your body processes the alcohol. I went to my doctor to find out the answer and that is what he told me! Happy Drinking! :)

it may be a reaction.

Totally normal. I've heard this referred to as the "asian glow" but I'm not asian and I always get flushed when drinking. Don't worry about it.

Its NOT normal

It's defiantly an allergic reaction.

You are probably allergic.

don't worry hunny, it's normal. i have this one friend who's asian and his whole body turns really red. it was hella funny, we'd all make handprints all over him at parties! haha, but don't worry, you're good. as long as there's no swelling or weird reactions then u'll be ok.

Alcohol affects different people in different ways... guess you are just unlucky.

it is an allergic reaction but it's not a big deal.

It is normal to a point. If you experienced difficulty in breathing or anything else ,go to the er.

My face turns yellow when I drink. Not just a suttle yellow's a full on yellow. The doctor said it's maybe because I eat too many bananas and lemons. Did you drink too much kool-aid when you were younger?

This is sometimes called asian blush. There is a genetic thing that makes it hard for people to process alcohol. This is common in people of asian descent.

Some people have found taking heartburn medication like zantac helps for some reason.

Please read this or look up "alcohol flush reaction" online.

I've seen that happen to people. Some get red, some get hot, some get horny, some get loud. It affects us all differently, I wouldn't be too worried about redness it's common. Now if you start to break out in a rash, or swell up, THAT would be an allergic reaction, then you should stop.

you will end up with spider veins on your face if you keep drinking

ok my mom drinks it too and her face turns red too.

She says shes allergic. But she still drinks it becuase it doesnt have any effects just makes your face turn red.

It is a side effect to some people that are more sensitive to alcohol that blood vessels in your face widen causing the is called a flushed face.

i think its an allergetic reaction!next time think bfore u go ahead...all the best!

Alcohol causes the capilaries in your skin to dilate, releasing more blood into your skin, hence the redness. Its quite common, if it was your first drink thats probably why, it will stop as your body gets used to it. Not that im endorsing drinking of course........ :D

Alcohol raises your blood pressure!!! that is causing the red in the face...

That alcohol will kill you ... switch to crack instead.

Better take it easy sister! You may be allergic to alcohol, but the question is, how fast did you drink it? In one, two, or three gulps? Beware of the four walls of A.A! Try to pace yourself and always remember to drink sensibly and moderately. Nothing wrong with being yourself. Don't try to keep up or drink as much as your peers or party company.

Alcohol is a drug. When people get drunk this is a sure sign of poisoning of the body.
Your face turned red from like you said, a reaction to the drug.

I have known people who not only turn red but break out! You may want to be careful while drinking alcohol if this was your first time and this is what it has done to you.

I can not drink alcohol. At one point and time I quit breathing and have horrible reaction to it. Just be careful!

A guy that I work with is allergic to alcohol. His face gets EXTREMLY red. Maybe you're allergice too.

its probley that kind of drink your drinking,the bacardi breezer its quite strong belive it or not,like the diamond white drink,my sister used to drink these and her face was red untill it wore off if it does that dont drink that drink have something else

It happens to some people. It doesn't mean you are allergic or having a bad reaction to it. Whether we like to believe this or not, alcohol is really a poison it is not good for our bodies and it does nasty things to us!! If we consume too much we throw up the next day and have a bad headache. That's called alcohol poisoning aka a hangover. Some people can only take a little bit, some can drink forever and never get drunk, sick or effected. It all depends on your system. I would not worry about the redness. It's a common reaction.

I'm not Asian.
I drank
I didn't turn red,

its cuz u got drunk

It's a normal thing for some people. The redness has to do with the way the body breaks down alcohol -- some people (most notably asian populations but not exclusivly) have a combination of enzymes that are slightly different or in less amount than average and convert the alcohol to a substance that causes flusing more readily. This is a normal thing, as the first substance after alcohol is the first step to breaking down the alcohol, but in people that get red the alcohol is converted to this faster and the enzyme that breaks this down works slower.

I think the alcohol gets your circulation going. It's normal for some people. You probably weren't allergic if you didin't have any other symptoms-like runny nose or shortness of breath. Also, if you are of fair skinned this might happen more. If you get red when you exercise or blush easily, you will probably get red while drinking.

Hi--That happens to my boyfriend too. I looked it up on and yes you are allergic. There really isn't a cure. I know my boyfriend doesnt get red every time he drinks but some days he does. No he's not Asian either. Look it up on the web-Google it. It doesnt stop my boyfriend but if his face starts getting really red he stops.

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