I am a genius but also an alcoholic?!

Question: I'm frighteningly smart but I also drink alot. Once a week I drink myself into a stupor. My intelligence hasn't dropped(I've knocked off two bottles tonight, I'm aiming for more too) but I need little advice. Not that rabble advice either. Serious, been there, done that type.

Answers: I'm frighteningly smart but I also drink alot. Once a week I drink myself into a stupor. My intelligence hasn't dropped(I've knocked off two bottles tonight, I'm aiming for more too) but I need little advice. Not that rabble advice either. Serious, been there, done that type.
I am currently going through this. The easiest way to not drink is not to put yourself in situations where you will drink. Stay away from bars, sporting events, house parties, etc. The other thing is if you're like me, don't have that first beer or shot. One drink usually turns into 20 for me. Stay away from the first one, and you won't have any trouble. If anyone asks why your not drinking, just tell them you don't feel too good. That will get them off your back for the most part. Get all the booze out of your house too, no greater temptation than easily drank booze. It is extremely hard to affect your intelligence by drinking, but your liver and kidneys can suffer.
So what? You're a dumb *** drunk.
I often frighten people with my seeming endless amounts of intelligence. I just choose to do it sober.
think of drinking this way, you know how the herds of animals in the wastelands of africa survive? they survive because the predators cleanse the gene pool of sickly, old or deformed animals. alcohol does the same for brain cells. it weeds out weak neurons thereby eliminating the chance for a misfire of the synapses. giving you a more efficient thinking machine. don't worry about killing them, there are trillions of the little buggers, at a rate of 4 cells a gulp, you'd have to be drinking 8 bottles of beer every night for 210 years. who the hell wants to live that long?
I suggest AA meetings. Or a detox/rehab center, if you have the money.
I don't understand..you're "frighteningly smart", but you spell "a lot" as one word..."alot", a basic elementary school spelling error.
i don't understand how the two are related. i also don't know where the question is. it seems that you don't actually want to change and that's a perfectly valid lifestyl decision. as long as you're able to function and keep your life together, good on you. cheers.

and isn't rabble just the anti-Christ?
"I am a genius but also an alcoholic"

Don't worry - me too!
Well the good news is it's once a week. The best think you can do if you don't want to quit, is make sure it stays at once a week.

The other advice I would suggest is that you keep it safe, no driving or anything that could put others in harms way.
Winston Churchill drank whisky like water. FDR was a martini guy and drank "several" every day. Hitler on the other hand had a occasional beer. Cheers!!
keep drinking
If you were a genius you'd know what overdrinking does to your mind, body and personality.

To me that question's an oximoron.

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