Whenever i drink beer and start to get a buzz. It mentaly Stimulates me!?!
Answers: It makes me wanna work on my car or my computer. It makes me wanna write a blog or a story... why is this? i dont understand.
Brewer's yeast is known to be a rich source of nutrients; therefore, as expected, beer can contain significant amounts of nutrients, including magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, and B vitamins. In fact, beer is sometimes referred to as "liquid bread". Some sources maintain that filtered beer loses much of its nutrition.
Mmmmm, Duff beer, Arrrgghgggggg, head feeling light, feet wont go straight, mentally stimulated, drunkenness, thank you Duff, ahggggg...
Oh yeah me too I always feel smarter and more inspired after drinking beer. But I tend to have a problem, I start to ...tpye... lkie ...tihs...