Whats your favourite alcoholic drink?!

Question: mines a toss up between you standard lager...vodka and red bull or sex on the beach

Answers: mines a toss up between you standard lager...vodka and red bull or sex on the beach
Mine used to be Baileys Irish Cream, until one night I went to bed with the taste still lingering on my lips and a little left in the glass beside my bed. I woke to find a wild possum eye-balling me and about to lick the rest off my lips after he'd finished licking the glass. I screamed; the possum ran; and my partner broke his toe jumping out of bed to my rescue.
gin and tonic
alize or malibu
Bunderberg Rum & Coke
southern comfort with lemonade
or just shots of jagermeister lol
White rum with fresh lemon.
At the moment it is Vodka and redbull but not often as it makes my heart race and beer.
gin. positively absolutely definately got to be gin!

and chenin blanc.
Like a bottle of Rose Wine, if i'm out love my cocktails
Vodka and fresh orange or lager or cider
gotta be vadka and lemonade!

or bucks fizz
jack daniels
carlsberg, whiskey, when im short of money its cider, but ile drink wat evers on offer,
you have to try this one - its called a green monster

get a pint glass, fill up half the glass with stella and then fill up the other half with wkd blue, you will love it!!

also I love 'cheeky vimto' - shot of port with wkd blue

lmk how you get on with these winners!!
Vodka & Coke. Gin tastes like hairspray dont you think?
Bacardi and diet coke
dont drink that often now
Pina Colados.
Gin & Tonic got to be the Rusian tonic though its slightly pink in colour its lush
Carling Premier
Vodka - cause it goes with anything!!!!
Timothy Taylors Landlord Ale is my main tipple. Although I am looking forward to once again tasting the delights of the Red October special ale in my local on my next day off.
love a nice Carlsberg Export, ice cold, but for a real thrill its got to be Sambuca or absinthe chasers.
Brandy and diet coke with loads of ice or lager with a lemonade top.
vodka and lemonade
Champagne, specially the pink stuff. There's also a cocktail I love to get when I'm out in the City called a Fa'afafene, which is basically alcoholic tropical juice! Normally though I just get vodka and cranberry juice/lemonade in normal pubs
Dark Tequila Neat.
beer. cold from the bottle microbrew. mmmm.
Very cold, very dry white wine
Good old beer
Lager and Guinness for me and a good glass of white to unwind.

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