How can you cover the smell of weed?!

Question: I smoked in my room once (stupid) & my dad smelled it, but he didn't know what it was. If i smoke at my friend's house, I jump into his pool to get the smell off my clothes. Does anyone have a better way to hide the smell?

Answers: I smoked in my room once (stupid) & my dad smelled it, but he didn't know what it was. If i smoke at my friend's house, I jump into his pool to get the smell off my clothes. Does anyone have a better way to hide the smell?
It definitely gets on your shirt. Keep a spare shirt in the trunk of your car for smoking in.

The smoke also gets on your fingers (because they're so close to it) and even your arms if you're wearing short sleeves. So wash your hands and arms if necessary; pay special attention to your fingers.

Never keep "roaches" or half-smoked blunts and joints on you. Those things REEK of smoke. So either smoke what you rolled up, or throw the rest away because roaches smell baaad.

Also, avoid smoking inside cars, in small spaces or rooms that aren't ventilated well, because the smoke basically just stays in the air around you and sticks to your clothes. (Inside the car is the worst.)
try burning candles and/or using febreeze. i just drive around with my friend at night and smoke. if your smart about, you wont get caught.
Incense. Works very well.
Jus burn da incense, mon. Play some reggae music. Bob Marley is universal. Ja rule!
smoke some crack.
Fabreeze works very well
If you're smoking in your room again then I suggest you use an air spray called ozium. I think that's how you spell it. It comes in tiny spray cans about 5 inches tall and pretty skinny. All you need is a tiny spray of that stuff in your room and it will spread throughout the whole room within seconds literally eliminating all of the smoke smell. Don't underestimate how strong it is. The stuff is pretty cheap too. I think it was originally developed especially for eliminating smoke smells in houses and such.
put dryer sheets in an empty paoer towel roll and blow all of your hits out through it out the window. then use a neutralizing odor spray afterwards, and wash your hands, half the time breaking it up messes your fingers up
well it is a little easier to get the smell off of your clothes than cigarette smoke. if you are smoking at a friends house, why not try smoking outside? it will not get on your clothes. also, wash your hands, rinse your mouth with mouthwash or toothpaste, and spray on some perfume (not too much). or bring a change of clothes so you dont have to jump into the pool.
Frabreeze does work, but if you smell like frabreeze all the time suspicion will arise. Get a strong smelling lotions and letting your self air out.
incense, candles, febreeze. If you get really desperate try burning plastic and opening a window.
For me if i am going some place elce to smoke i take an extra shirt or cloths.
I usually just end up spilling beer all over myself by the end of the night, So nobody can smell the weed anyway! ha ha rnt I a thinker
fabreeze works well, i dont smoke pot but i smoke alot of cigarettes and i dont like my car smelling like smoke all the time so it just spray the seats and headliner and you cant even tell its been smoked in before, and i smoke my *** off too...

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