How much do u have to drink a night to be an alcholic?!


How much do u have to drink a night to be an alcholic?

You either are an alcoholic or your not. It has nothing to do with how much or how often you drink. It has everything to do with having an allergic reaction to alcohol. Non-alcoholics do not equate intoxication to euphoria, and they don't crave a substance that is toxic to them. In answer to your question though, for this alcoholic, 1 drink is too many and 1000 is never enough. I only wish I hadn't had to drink as much as I did and get as sick as I did before I could get sober. But the price of recovery is different for everyone. How much do you have to drink to be an alcoholic???

Myself and millions of fellow recovering alcoholics.


one hell of a lot..

theres probably no set amount.. just until the point where you realise that you cant control it or cant go without

enough to interrupt your life and keep you from doing things you otherwise really would have done

well there is no set amout to be an alcholic but an alcholic would be the ones that drinks over 8 beers every night and drinks the 1st thing when they get up

You don't have to drink anything and still be an alcoholic.

when you get cravings you can't resist

enough to get a buzz

An alcoholic is a person that goes to bed with a drink and wakes up to opening another one. It doesn't matter what or how much you drink. It's the fact that your life depends on it for one "reason" or another. Alcoholics 9/10 don't realize it! Some alcoholics can still function just fine, and do a full days worth of work.

"reason" Is usualyy an excuse like I drink because my back hurts or I drink because i never had a dad or things along those lines!

anyone who drinks every day of the week every week of the year is a alcoholic because they cant go a day without a drink ill drink to that

There is no set amount. A alcoholic is one who drinks excessively and depends on alcohol which then leads to physical/psychological problems and disrupts their social life and/or occupation.

They say recommended amounts to drink is 1-2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink for women. The numbers are different because typically women metabolize the alcohol slower I think. So if they were to drink more, their bodies would not work fast enough so more damage would possibly occur.

And as a side note 1 drink equals either a five-ounce glass of table wine, one three-ounce glass of fortified wine, one 12-ounce can of beer, or one "shot glass" with 1.5 ounces of whiskey

I think it is more of a question of how many nights a week you drink.

But I would say if you drink in polite company beyond the mark of "pleasantly buzzed" into the vincinty of "pissed", I would say that that is an indication (only indication) that you have a drinking problem.

It depends on if you're coherent or not. If you're stumbling over things throughout the night or can't answer simple questions and act strange, you're an alocholic. Also if you're the kind of person who has to have a drink every day, you're an alcoholic.

Most blood alcohol limits of states are designed to limit you within one drink per 4 to 6 hours. This keeps you coherent.

There is nothing positive about drinking. Alcoholic drinks are poison. I don't know why it's in many people's nature to destroy themselves and why people think alcohol is no different than fruit juice.

Obviously there's an alcoholic on here rating these answers. Cause most of these answers are pretty good and they've immediately been downrated when they shouldn't be. I was impressed with Lester B's answer. He's right on the money.

Someone could develop a dependancy on alcohol if they were drinking hoping it would deal with stress, or loneliness or even boredom.
Signs that your drinking is becoming a problem for you include drinking alone, looking for a drink first thing in the morning, rushing your drinks when you're in company. If your drinking has ever gotten you into trouble with the police it may be time to admit theres a problem.

4 drinks 7 days a week

Binging on alcohol
Then getting to a point where consequences no longer matter to you but getting drink does.

for as long and as much it takes to make you have the shakes in the morning, that will only be cured by more alcohol. never go there pal it is a living hell.

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