I drank 4 bottle of wine last nite without getting drunk. Am I an alcoholic?!


I drank 4 bottle of wine last nite without getting drunk. Am I an alcoholic?

I also had no hangover. Mind you, I was eating also and I drank them in a two hour period, so it was not like I was chugging them. But I am bit worried because I did not get laced and this morning I had no hangover.

Everyone has a different limit on how much you can drink, maybe you can drink quite a lot. As long as you ate food as well, the alcohol would have been absorbed by the food - a very sensible thing to do.
The wine - how strong was it? If it was weak, thats why you have no hangover.
Otherwise I wouldnt worry about it, sounds to me like you had a good night out and overindulged a little bit, we all like to do that in our own ways and theres no harm in it - as long as you dont drink like it on a regular basis.
Theres a huge difference between indulging once in a while, and suffering from dependance.

You must be really heavy!

It was non-alcoholic Wine you fool.

4 "bottle"! In 2 hours! If that's not chugging, I dont' know what is!

You have certainly built up a tolerance at the very least.

It depends on your wieght along with the amount of food consumption. Although, I don't see why you drank 4 bottles...

Well if it was the 8 ounce bottles I could believe it, but full bottles I cannot believe that you drank without getting sloshed. Even alchoholics get jacked on 4 bottles of wine.

That's brilliant!
I think I love you.
I had one the other night and felt like crap the next day.
You have talent. Keep it up.

4 bottles make at least 3 litres of wine, appr. 300 gr pure alcohole. Yep, face it, you are an alcoholic or at least used to very large quantities of the stuff. Cut it down or your liver won't last long.

It is only drunk people who say they 'drank this much' and didn't get drunk. You are probably still drunk :)

I would say that you have a high tolerance level. Only you can answer if you are an alcoholic. Is drinking the main focus of your day? Is it making your life unmanageable? Can you stop after one drink? Do you drink by yourself or just on the weekends with friends? There are lots of questions.... If you go to the AA website, there are questions that you can answer which will help yo decide if you are an alcoholic or not. However if none of the answers apply, I would just say still that you have a high tolerance level for alcohol.

The wine might have had a low alcohol content, which wine usually does. Don't you think 4 bottles is a little excessive? If you drink on a daily basis and drink to get drunk, not only are you on the verge of becoming an alcoholic, you probably are! Four bottles in two hours is a bit extreme. At least wine is a lot healthier than hard alcohol, such as gin, whiskey, scotch, etc. Good luck and if this bothers you, you might seek the advise of an AA group. Good Luck!

You may just have a very high alcohol tolerance level.... he he! Or someone changed the wine in your bottle to something else!! I find it very interesting that you drank 4 bottles of wine in two hours!! (or was that you had a bottle every two hours?)!!

JUST lucky you can hold your liquor....

Duh. If you have a high tolerance for alcohol then YES, you are a "sitting duck" for addiction. It's a sign that your body chemistry does not respond in a normal way to alcohol. A normal response would have been to get sick and have a hangover.

Yes you are.

Yes you are either an alcoholic or a liar!Nobody can drink four bottles of wine and not be totally wasted!And you would have also had a very nasty hangover;)

hmmm i dont think your an alchoholic but you need to watch out for your health you want want to have a shirt life life it to the max ;)

What do u mean - not getting drunk - when you drunk actually 4 bottles of wine.

Two bottles per hour? AA

Lets hope they just forgot to ferment the wine.. my god how could you tolerate so much if you have not built up a resistance. even still you need to be careful you will kill yourself

4 bottles!!?? Yea, you may have a problem.

Sounds like it, alcoholics produce huge amounts of liver enzeymes which allow them to metabolize alcohol much more quicklly than non-heavy drinkers. I wonder though if an objective observer who would have hung with you would agree that you were not noticeably drunk.

Im araid so. the fact that ur body isnt responin 2 the affects of alchohol tel me that ur used 2 it. u shud visit ur doctor 4 some advise b4 u end up damagin ur insides. gud luk

i think it was sparkling grape juice .

You aren't necessarily an alcoholic. You may have been a little drunk, but for whatever reason did not notice it. As to the hangover, it is a bit of luck, that you didn't have one.

If you have to ask, then maybe.....it also depends on your weight, and how much food you ate. You must be tolerant of it, I am a recovering alcoholic, and I could drink forever, but 4 bottles? My head would be screaming.

Are you talking about wine coolers? I drink 4 of those and I can't drive. But I drink only once per year or less. Alcohol that is.

4 bottles of wine of what size? They now make small bottles in a box that are 4 to 6 oz each so 4 of these would be equal to one 750ml bottle. In that case you consumed a regular bottle of wine, probably low alcohol, along with food over 2 hours. Not having a hangover is a good thing but are you an alcoholic? Well it depends on whether you do this every day and drink during the day and into the night. One bottle of wine per day is not good for anyone and not good for your liver either. Maybe you should contact your medical doctor for an evaluation. Take care of yourself.

No you are a fat drunkard.

You are full of BS.... you did not drink 4 bottles of wine.

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