It's FRIDAY!!! What happens when YOU drink Tequila???!

Question: Adios Pantalones!!!!!!!

Answers: Adios Pantalones!!!!!!!
Adios pantalones, Sayonara bra, Au Revoir panties...Ciao dancing with my best friend naked in a downtown fountain in front of a sea of very entertained strangers.

We should have been arrested!
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR!!!
I get sick, barf, and have a hangover. Give me a's FRIDAY!
Wake up naked and Happy
A former co-worker of mine would get Joe Nichols Syndrome ... "Tequila makes her clothes fall off." So, in her case, adios to the pantalones and the top as well. Once we actually got a picture of her flashing her bra to the room!
You usually end up spending the night in jail. It make people crazy
Funny that you should ask this I have the day off and have already had a few shots with some friends and ,yes, tequilla does give you a different buzz than other alcohols. But if you overdue it you will be hating life. But hey, a few margeritas never hurt anyone!! Enjoy
Drinking Tequila on Friday does the same as drinking Tequila on Saturday. You get drunk, spew your guts up, have sex and wake up in a stranger's bed at 4am. When you left the bar at midnight you are positive that you left with the most beatiful person of the opposite sex and when you wake at 4am, you wake up next to the ugliest pig that could ever exist. Even worse, you wake up next to the ugliest pig of the same sex as yourself LOL Best to stick with Coke or Pepsi LOL
when i drink tequilla on friday i wake up on monday wondering what the hell happened to saterday and sunday ha ha
I already danced naked on my kitch table when i had a party and one too many shots! : D It's only beer for me now
There is a reason I don't anymore....
I am still myself after drinking tequila shot? Nothing happens to me...
I would have to agree a little with all of the answers so far. If i posted one someone elce would have it.
(Speaking in doubles) One tequila, two tequila, three tequila...
Your next conscious moment is, you looking round for the time to see how long you were out. The clock you come across is the clock tower in the town square and that wet feeling you've got isn't sweat - you've woken up naked in the town fountain, again!
Ha im wearing my Cabo Wabo T-Shirt.... but anyway the last time I drank tequila I called out of work.. at noon... with one of my co-workers puking in the background... boss was not happy but what i remember of the night before was insane.
I do things I never thought I would for a Klondike Bar..........
This lady walks into a bar and order 10 shots of Jack Daniels. She bangs them down one after another, passes out, and everyone in the bar bangs her.
The next day, the lady walks into the bar and order 10 shots of Jack Daniels. She bangs them down one after another, passes out, and everyone in the bar bangs her.
The next day, the lady walks into the bar and order 10 shots of Tequila. The bartender asks, "I thought you drank Jack Daniels?" The lady respondes, "I did, but every time I drink Jack Daniels my hoo ha hurts the next morning!"
I quickly run to lick a dog's penis to get the nasty Tequila taste out of my mouth.
I love tequila. And by tequila, I mean 100% agave tequila, not the crap most of the idiots at bars drink. Good tequila is like a good scotch- just serve it in a flute or snifter and I am all good to go. I have a great time when I drink tequila and I don't do anything really stupid, like dancing naked or puking my guts out.

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