Hey smokers. What kinda of cigarettes do you smoke?!


Hey smokers. What kinda of cigarettes do you smoke?

What brand, and what age where you when you started?

im doing this for a porject in school.

Marlboro Lights. I started when I was 14,so nearly 4 years ago!

i smoke djarum cloves. i started last year, which would make me 19. i never smoke regular cigarettes, and i only smoke cloves for the taste - which is delicious.

I don't smoke, never have done never will.
But my Dad used Old Holborn tobacco and started when he was 13.
He gave up now, woot! ^_^

I smoke marlboro lights. I started smoking when I was 19 and I am now 25.

I don't smoke anymore( since about a year ago) but when I did I smoked Parliament lights. The recessed filter was supposed to keep your teeth from turning as yellow, i just liked to chew on it though. I started when I was thirteen, and quit when I was twenty-four.

i started smoking at about age 19....but i dont consider myself a smoker because i smoke about 1 cigarette every 2 days or so. and i usually only smoke if i go out drinking. which again, is not very often.

but i buy either camel lights, or marlboro menthol lights.

I started smoking at 17. I only smoked Parliament Lights. I quit three years later.

I don't smoke but I know people who did.

My mom started at 12 and before she quit around 40 she was smoking Marlboro Light 100s.

My friends started around 13-14 and they like Newports

I only smoke when I'm stressed or drinking. Marbolo Lights and I started at 21.

Winston lights started smoking at age 20 trying to quite

I am a social smoker, meaning I only smoke when I have a glass or 2 of wine. When I do smoke its Marlbrough Lights.

smoked for 21 years, and cigarettes were my meals and my reason to do things in life, i don't smoke for 2 years now and i gain my body weight back, i look good, and feel good, and i smell good too, before i would breath and eat cigarettes, today makes me vomit the smell of a cigarettes. I am very proud of my self because is very hard to quit this addiction.

How i did it: I ask God everyday to send way the temptation of smoke, i went to church, have days that my body want so bad and i said no i wont allowed this in you, i couldn't move. But i believed that i could do it and i did it .

I don't smoke. The smell of smoke makes me gag. I wouldn't want to smoke anyways. It turns your teeth yellow.

I smoke Marlboro Reds I started in the 7th Grade And I am now 19

I smoke since i was 13,now i am 26.I love smoking and i don't want to quit. Although i am Greek i like British smokes:i used to smoke for 6 years "Dunhill International" but B.A.T. (Dunhill's owner company) changed the blend last year and i had to changed brand. So,now i smoke "Benson & Hedges" and i like it too. The only problem with "Benson" is that in Greece is a very rare cigarette, so i can't find it easy

I smoke winston 100's lights. I shouldnt smoke at all ots a discusting habit. its hard to quit. Conggrats to Berry for quitting!!!! And to any one else that quit.!!!

Marlboro light 100s
started at,14 years

305 And I started at 7


I smoke Basic Menthol Ultra Lights. I have smoked on and off for 13 years.

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