What's a manly drink to have at a pub, which isn't a type of beer?!


What's a manly drink to have at a pub, which isn't a type of beer?

I'm male, but I hate drinking beer! Thanks

Additional Details

1 month ago
cider I consider to be a type of beer, and I hate anything strong like Whiskey or Vodka!

1 month ago
I've tried cider, fosters, stella, kronenburg, bitter, carling, carlsburg...

1 month ago
thanks for everyone's help, but I just need to say: I'm British, and unless you go to a bar (as you don't, you go to the pub), I can't drink these drinks. Only really basic drinks they serve. However, these fruity beers sound good!

1 month ago
cider I consider to be a type of beer, and I hate anything strong like Whiskey or Vodka!

1 month ago
I've tried cider, fosters, stella, kronenburg, bitter, carling, carlsburg...

1 month ago
thanks for everyone's help, but I just need to say: I'm British, and unless you go to a bar (as you don't, you go to the pub), I can't drink these drinks. Only really basic drinks they serve. However, these fruity beers sound good!

Hoegaarden is good. A cloudy wheat beer. Or you could always order ginger beer in a pint glass and start a new trend.


Scotch on the rocks

What kind of beers have you tried? I am not a fan of beer but I love drinking pyramid. If you want to act manly in the pub you could always try whiskey or you could do some shots.

Guinness, I don't know any man who doesn't drink either beer, cider, Guinness or whiskey or vodka......so sorry. Ask for black Russian cocktail..vodka, Tia maria, cola and can be topped with guinness. Sweet but looks good.

Try a Long Island Ice Tea, they are really good

rum & lemonade aka the happy drink!

Rum and orange juice; trust me on this one. You may look at that and say wth, but trust me! If you like dark rum and orange juice separately than this is your sour cream (reference to how vinegar and cream clearly don't belong together yet together they make a perfect pair. Personally I hate sour cream but people all around me eat it down like it's going out of fashion).


If you like root beer you can drink barrels witch is a beer with a shot of root beer schnapps taste just like a root beer float but watch out it's 2 drinks in 1 always remember drink responsible have a sober driver take you home peace out brother

Ok how about rum and coke? Or, although it is beer, a Corona (it's much lighter and with the lime in the top it's really fruity). I hate beer but love Corona or Kronenburg Blanc (a white fruity beer).

Alternatively what about an Alcopop like a Reef - there's nothing 'unmanly' in a Reef which is just a fruit based vodka drink - you definitely can't taste the vodka.

Jack Daniels and Coke is another good one or if you hate really strong spirits how about Southern Comfort and Lemonade - that's not too strong.

The only other alternative is some kind of cocktail without the umbrellas and martini glass!

Good luck, sounds like a bit of a toughy!!

I'm like you. I'm not a fan of beer either, and I don't really care for the taste of hard liquor. Tequila is HORRIBLE and Vodka is not my thing.

When I was younger, I would drink beer because everyone else was doing it. After experimenting with several types of drinks and going through my "Alabama Slammer" stage and then my "Long Island Iced Tea" stage, I found a drink that I could stomach, and after drinking it about 2-3 times, I came to enjoy it. Try Captain Morgan's and Coke. Order it by asking for a "Cap'n and Coke". I don't like rum, both light or spiced rum's, but Captain's is very, very smooth and with the right mixture of coke, it's not overpowering. However, IT MUST BE CAPTAIN MORGAN'S. Bacardi does not work, nor does any other type of rum. I won't drink if I don't have Captain and Coke.

Also, there is a Captain Morgan special liquor called "Captain Morgan's Private Stock" which is even smoother than the regular Captain. You can try that, but some bars don't carry it. I prefer the regular, but my friends think I'm crazy because it's so smooth. I'm just accustomed to the regular.

I have turned on many of my friends to this drink. It is all that we drink nowadays, which is convenient because we can buy it by the 1/2 gallon when we get together for football or parties. I bet if you give it a try, you'll like it.

Good luck!

Order a nice banana daquiri, and be sure to request a paper umbrella.

Everyone will KNOW you're manly.

A gentleman of distinction, in manly company, should order a pint of Guinness. It contains iron, you know. Good for the constitution.

Champagne or expensive wine ,and offer it out to the ladies ,that'll take care of who's a man or not.

Drink what you like and forget about what people think! That being said, try these -- they're not "frou-frou".

Since you don't like strong whiskey or vodka, try a 7 and 7 or gin and tonic, or a vodka collins (tell them to hold the garnish if you want to look more manly). You can tell them to make it "tall (more mixer) if you really don't like strong drinks and the mixers mask the taste of the alcohol somewhat regardless. Maybe a Bloody Mary?

Some stronger drinks would be a Rusty Nail (scotch and drambuie) or Black Russian (vodka and kahlua). They're strong and manly, but the liquers temper the strong taste of the straight liquor.

I used to tend bar and none of the above are considered "girl" drinks.

Shots of whiskey, or a Jack and Coke

I know you don't want beer dude but the ones you mentiond are in fact horrible. Try experimenting in a beer bar with someone who knows the many different types of beer that exist, you may be pleasently surprised. I've changed many beer-haters minds just by doing some research on what they like. Just for the helluvit sometime try a Golden Monkey by Victory brewing or maybe a Sam Adams Summer Ale.
Beyond the beer though. When I don't feel like a beer I'll either get a Margheritta or 7 and 7.

Cheers man and remember real men don't worry about other peoples opinion.

What about an alco-pops, such as WKD. The adverts always show men drinking it.

Try Jack Daniels and Lemonade. I like Jack daniels and coke and I tried this with lemonade and it is quite nice.

scotch & water

Triple shot of vodka stright up

Morgan and Coke
hard liquor shots
plain martinis

Jack Daniels and coke
Whiskey...Rum and coke :D

try one of Del boys cocktails.

I only order Guinness if I order beer. Try a Black Russian, Long Island, those aren't girly. Try a glass of red wine such as a Cabernet, Merlot, or a Shiraz, it may impress the ladies too. You can also try going to a bar that you never go to and experiment with different types of drinks. I used to bartend and you would not believe how many people would come in and have no clue as to what they should drink and then they'd ask for help.

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