Tips on staying sotally tober?!

Question: Good morning! I am thoroughly sick from drinking too much last night. I woke up to a kitchen (really a whole house) that smells like beer, which didnt help with the nausea.

I do not like drinking. At all. It tastes nasty, I get sick, and its not worth it just to get drunk. I drank last night, because I smoked all my weed the day before. With weed, you use a little bit, hit it, and you're good for hours, its all natural, and you dont get sick afterward! Problem with that is Im usually totally incapacitated for hours, and I get munchies. So its hasnt been good on the waistline. (oh yeah and its illegal)

So I dont want to smoke or drink anymore. Not even socially. I just want to be done with it for good. I think this will be difficult in social situations, because that is where I am most tempted to do these things, as most people are. Any tips on how I, a 22 yr old female, can make the transition to being totally sober 100%? I know Just Say No, but there is a lot of temptation. Thanks!

Answers: Good morning! I am thoroughly sick from drinking too much last night. I woke up to a kitchen (really a whole house) that smells like beer, which didnt help with the nausea.

I do not like drinking. At all. It tastes nasty, I get sick, and its not worth it just to get drunk. I drank last night, because I smoked all my weed the day before. With weed, you use a little bit, hit it, and you're good for hours, its all natural, and you dont get sick afterward! Problem with that is Im usually totally incapacitated for hours, and I get munchies. So its hasnt been good on the waistline. (oh yeah and its illegal)

So I dont want to smoke or drink anymore. Not even socially. I just want to be done with it for good. I think this will be difficult in social situations, because that is where I am most tempted to do these things, as most people are. Any tips on how I, a 22 yr old female, can make the transition to being totally sober 100%? I know Just Say No, but there is a lot of temptation. Thanks!
This may sound odd but cut out the friends that tempt you until you are able to be around it and not care. I went through something like that but I was a coke addict. It was very hard to stop, but it was something I needed to do. The first step was I had to pull away from my friends until i was able to just say no and be okay with it. There are times in my life today that its still hard but I know that the outcome is much better. And it doesn't matter if your friends get mad at you for this ( it also lets you see who your true friends are) because in the end its about you, not about them. Try and get away from it, if you feel you "need" it talk to someone. Do not talk to someone who is on anything. If you cant find anyone talk to a therapist. Wont hurt. This is your life, at this age you need to grab your life and be in control. First step is learning how to control things like this.
personally i dont have any problems with not drinking so cannot help you a lot, i am a bit of a prude when it comes to smoking and drinking so hmmm i kinda think you should just not do it ....
mind you i think i am addicted to sugar so there you go! thing is it doesnt make you drunk or hungover only fat.
I totally hear what you are saying, I keep saying that I am going to completely stop drinking, but there are many situations that I am in where drinking just seems to come naturally. It is more fun. So, I too am having a hard time making this abstinence thing stick.
Part of it may be that we need to find friends that aren't always partying!
It really is hard to get used to not being buzzed in social situations.
I did AA for awhile, but got sick of all the drama and gossip going on there. But that does not mean you should not try it for yourself.
I am going to check back to this question and see what others have to say.
How can you be tempted by something you don't like doing and the taste is nasty?....your words. You just have to make up your mind to stop and take it one day at a time. Please don't drink just to go along with the crowd. Be your own person . You will find it's hard to be around a bunch of drunk people after awhile.You could become a designated driver for your friends if you don't drink. You could be saving the life of those you love and other inoccent people. Be strong and Good Luck! ;-)
You are talking about a life style change which means exactly that. If you are really wanting to change you need to do more than just stop those things that you want to stop. It may require new friends, new hobbies, new hangouts or a combination of all of the above. Many times just choosing a new hobby or past time will steer you to new places and new friends.

Just me talking and I am not a pro. So take it with a grain of salt.

Best of luck to you whatever you decide to do.
It won't be easy, but here are some tips: drink club soda or diet soda with a twist. That way you can sip with the others, carry around a glass, and not drink that high-caloric nasty stuff.

Wait until you've got the booze under control, then start on the smoking. Doing both at the same time would be a real strain.

Try to find social situations without drugs or alcohol. Places you can hang with friends that don't offer either.

Good luck. Then say no.
dron't dink
I understand, when everyone is drinking its hard not to especially when people try to get you to. The best thing to do is

a) find new friends who wont push you to drink

b) when you first get to the part grab a drink, maybe a rum and coke or something, and just have it with you the whole time. Then if you already have a drink no one is going to offer you one. That way you don't really have to drink it.
Are you serious? Just don't drink or smoke. It is that simple.

If you are really that susceptible to peer pressure, then maybe you should seek some counseling. It is most likely some emotional problems that you are trying to compensate for.

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