Why does wine make me sick, but not whiskey?!

Question: Whenever I venture to drink a few glasses of wine...and it doesn't seem to matter what kind...I always end up sicker than a dog. I get the most horrible hang over, killer headache, vomiting, etc...

However when I drink something else, such as a hard liquor, like whiskey or scotch, etc... I don't get sick, never have had a hang over with it. I always feel fine in the morning, maybe a bit thirsty but that's it.

You'd think it'd be the other way around, because wine has less alcohol content. It seems when I drink fermented beverages I get sick, when I drink distilled beverages I suffer no ill effects... WHY?

Answers: Whenever I venture to drink a few glasses of wine...and it doesn't seem to matter what kind...I always end up sicker than a dog. I get the most horrible hang over, killer headache, vomiting, etc...

However when I drink something else, such as a hard liquor, like whiskey or scotch, etc... I don't get sick, never have had a hang over with it. I always feel fine in the morning, maybe a bit thirsty but that's it.

You'd think it'd be the other way around, because wine has less alcohol content. It seems when I drink fermented beverages I get sick, when I drink distilled beverages I suffer no ill effects... WHY?
I have come across this many times in my line of business, as a wine and spirits merchant. I agree that the sulphites might have something to do with it, but also you must consider that a lot of wine makers use lots of different chemicals in wine making.

Whisky is pure, as it has been distilled and there is nothing added to it.

You might want to try biodynamic or organic wines, as these are lower in sulphates and chemicals. It has worked for many of my customers.
Wine is lower quality alcohol and it dehydrates more
You may be allergic to the sulfites in wine. Many people are.
Your wine has more sugar in it then the whiskey does, witch dehydrates you and gives you the hangover.
Different ingredients different side affects I agree that you could be having an allergic reaction or something of that nature. Just steer clear of wine.
I can only do beer and mixed drinks. Wine or the hard stuff and I yak!
Actually, it's the acid. Wine's acidic, so it reacts with the stomach acid and makes you feel sick. Try an Alka Setzler to neutralise the stomach acid, you should feel better.
Hangover, however, is because of the sugar content and dehydration as people already pointed out. .
This sounds like you may have a reaction to sulfides and or sulfites. Most all wines contain sulfites, which in some people can cause a wide range of reactions, such has stomach tightning, acid reflux, nausia, vomitting, migrane's and the list goes on. It is possible, but hard to find wine's that contain no sulfites, but if you read the back of any wine bottle you have, it will say near the bottom "this wine contains sulfites" that is there because some people can't tolerate them, sort of like MSG in some foods effect people. Read the article link below, this might help you determine if you are in the 1 % of the population that have reactions to Sulfites.
sometimes it is due to the sugar content. Wine coolers and wine gives me a bad headache, but I can drink vodka all night have have no such problem ......... unless I over-indulge, then I have the typical hangover ..... cheers!
Do you also get sick when you drink beer, or ale?
How about Mead?

It could be that you have some sort of mildish allergy to something in the process of fermenting grapes.
All of the above answers are very good. As a former liquor clerk, I would suggest if you want to drink wine with dinner,
1) try wines that you have never had before in small quantities,
no more than one or two small glasses.
2) try using inexpensive champagne instead of still wine.
3) try some Kosher wine, not the sweet stuff, but wine from Israel.
4) these are just a few suggestions, maybe you can think of something else.
I Cr 13;8a
the EXACT same thing happens to me!

I am a heavy whisky drinker, every kind you can imagine, but irish bushmills is my favourite.... andyway, a prime example of this was about 2 weeks ago, my brother, 2 good friends and I went down to our families country house in cavan In the republic of ireland. We brought Waaaaay too much booze with us, 2 bottles of whiskey, some jaeg etc you get the point.

We drunk it ALL with little effect aside from drunkeness and plenty of madness... BUT that was until my friend sean opened a bottle of wine that was sitting in the fridge (we all hate wine, but we were on the prowl for more drink) and me and my friend andy downed it between us both... and within ten minutes we were both sick!... My friend andy is is about 6'3 and 235 lbs, he has never ever been sick from alcohol!, EVER!.... but all it took was a bit of wine and he was being sick everywhere.

For some reason i cannot stand wine, the taste simply doesnt agree with me, or andy it seems. But yet me and andy have downed bottles of whisky on a number of occaisions, which you all know is far more powerful.

To me wine just tastes too acidic or something, it just turns me!

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