How buzzed does a 6 pack get you???!


How buzzed does a 6 pack get you???

I'm a pretty small girl and I don't feel a think. It takes at least 10. How much for you?

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1 month ago
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1 month ago
Oh, by the way-this is a survey...

I don't drink beer liquor is quicker...

You could always get a life. Anyone who sets out to get themselves 'buzzed' is nothing but a low-life.

grow up…

I'd be passed out.

Geez, you must have a hollow leg if it takes ten beers to get you whizzed - unless you're drinking light beer or low-alcohol beer.

As to how buzzed a six-pack can get you, the amount of beer necessary to get one sloshed depends on four factors: one's size, one's gender, how fast one is drinking, and whether one is drinking on an empty stomach. Women tend to get whizzy more quickly than men, and people with more body mass can handle more booze. If you're a two-meter tall, 150 kg NFL linebacker, a six pack would probably hardly faze you; but if you're a petite and skinny snip of a woman you'd probably get pretty bombed.

Also, if you drink quickly and have several drinks in an hour, you are going to get blitzed. The linebacker in my above example would probably feel light-headed if he chugged the whole six-pack in a few minutes, but if the small woman had one beer an hour and a glass of water in between brewskis, she probably would get "cherry merry" at worst.

Finally, drinking on an empty stomach causes one to absorb alcohol more quickly. If you eat before you start drinking, the food in your tummy slows the absorption of alcohol. I make it a rule (which, I admit, I don't always follow!) to have something to eat before I start on my first beer.

I get drunk off 6 beers.

I get more buzzed telling other people to grow up on a stupid website.

To answer your question, though, I do not buy six packs. I only drink the finest wines and Death in the Afternoon.

I don't know how many litres are in a 6 pack. but it takes about 3-4 litres for me, boys and girls.

Well it is all about weight, tolerence and how fast your drink it. I get pretty buzzed after I drink a six pack

About half way to where I want to be. The key is the beer you select. You can fing alcohol content by volume ( measured in a percentage of total volume) labeled on the beer, usually. Find a beer over 6% and see what a 6-pack of that does for ya. Just be sure you are of legal drinking age ;)

Miller Lite = Pleasantly happy
Special Export = Slightly slurred speech
Malt Liquor = Nappy time
Bell's Third Coast Ale = Sloppy drunk

For starters, I quit drinking over a year ago! It was one of the smartest thing I ever did.

When I used to drink, however, I was what you might refer to as a cheep drunk; usually after less than 4 beers my head was spinning around so fast that I thought I was on a freeking roller coaster. Of course, I couldn't see the point in leaving 2 beers in the 6 pack, so I sent them down the hatch to join their
four best friends.

My advise to you: QUIT DRINKING!!! If you really can drink a 6 pack and "don't feel a thing" you have probably build up a tolerance for drinking. It sounds to me like you have a serious alcohol addiction. I repeat. QUIT DRINKING!!!

I 39 and weigh about 155, I can drink beer after beer after beer. I enjoy the taste of beer. It takes me about a little more than a 12 pack. If I stick with a dark lager it doesn't take but about a 6 pack.

six pack just gets me started but i could go through at least an eight-teen pack before REALLY feelin them. but then again it also depends on what kind of beer you're drinking if you're drinking coors light you might be there all day trying to get a buzz. but try a good red ale or even sierra neveda's pale ale that'll **** you up.

It depends on the beer, but a six pack of coors or bud or something like that gets me buzzed if I drink it fast. Not my favorite method though. Give me three shots and I feel the same way and not as weighed down and full feeling.

It depends on your body weight and tolerance.

if you don't feel a thing after a 6 pack you would be the first. stop fooling yourself and if you think your fooling anyone else, well good for you. this is why some peolpe want to make it illegal.

well i think if it takes 10 beers to get you a buzz your a alcoholic go get some help AA could help give them a call and the next time your drunk try spell check

I'm a pretty big guy so for me... at least a 12 pack to buzz. 24 to be schnackered!

You must be drinking American light beer. As for me, I am a man about 200 lbs and have always had a low tolerance for alcohol. With real beer, a 6-pack would put me to sleep.

I can already tell your hitting the bottle by your question-"you don't feel a think" HA! HA! Be careful 10 is an awful lot-sounds like the future of a full blown alcoholic!!!!Take care!!!

Try drinking through a straw. I heard you can get drunk fast. I never had that problem, I'm buzzed from 3, and puke at 12.

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