Is this a problem or not?!

Question: My partner seems to think that I have a drinking problem because some nights when I don't have to work the next day I like to stay up and drink a bottle of wine or some beers and listen to music. I think there's nothing wrong with this; I enjoy it and I'm not hurting anyone. My partner says anyone who drinks alone has a problem. Could I get some other viewpoints here, please?

Answers: My partner seems to think that I have a drinking problem because some nights when I don't have to work the next day I like to stay up and drink a bottle of wine or some beers and listen to music. I think there's nothing wrong with this; I enjoy it and I'm not hurting anyone. My partner says anyone who drinks alone has a problem. Could I get some other viewpoints here, please?

Since when is drinking only for social occasions ?
I don't consider myself to be an alcholic and I enjoy listening to some nice relaxing music by myself over some beers or sangria.

Matter of fact plan on doing just that by myself at a cafe up the street that plays classic rock music while I tip a few brewskis and have some snacks in a few minutes.

Tell your partner to look up alcholic in the dictionary or the DSM3 manual. No where does it say that drinking alone is a sighn of problem drinking. Drinking in secret is though.

I say relax and enjoy yourself and tell your partner to take a chill pill :).

your friend is overly cautious and too prudish.

if it's everyday and you're getting drunk off your a*s you may have a problem...otherwise you're good!

Your partner may think you have a problem if you can't sleep without this ritual. What you do is very common and not bad but to please your partner and maybe improve your health, you might try breaking that habit and then you'll know if it's a problem or not. Prove your partner wrong!

Hmmm. I suppose I would be curious if your partner has a vested interest in this question. If so, perhaps he should be looking for help himself. (Mind you, if you really are drinking 99 beers a night, ?????)

theres nothing wrong with drinking, but if ur friend knows ur a heavy drinker than hes gonna still keep thinkin that even kno ur just drinkin a couple now, just let it slip right now, u should invite him/her to get a drink sometime, just u and the person make it look like ur not a heavy drinker to

Depends on the person, I average a case of beer a day usually by myself, I consider myself a happy drunk, It would not be a problem in my book....

Drinking alone isn't a problem by itself. If it doesn't actually intefere with you accomplishing anything, and since you said it's on nights where you don't work in the morning, you aren't going to be accomplishing much during those times anyways.

A bottle of wine on such a night? No big deal, unless they're 1.5Ls.

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