Honest Question about LEGAL drinking age...?!

Question: I am actually 24, but I believe that the legal drinking age should be changed to 18. For these 3 reasons.

1. You can purchase tobacco at 18.
2. The government can draft you at 18 to shoot and kill people overseas. and greatly increase your chances of dying.
3. Most people, sadly, that wanna drink at age 18 usually find ways of getting alcohol anyway.

Does anyone disagree with this opinion, if so why?

Answers: I am actually 24, but I believe that the legal drinking age should be changed to 18. For these 3 reasons.

1. You can purchase tobacco at 18.
2. The government can draft you at 18 to shoot and kill people overseas. and greatly increase your chances of dying.
3. Most people, sadly, that wanna drink at age 18 usually find ways of getting alcohol anyway.

Does anyone disagree with this opinion, if so why?

I agree with a lot of what you say. It doesn't make sense that individuals can go off to war but they cant buy themselves a drink.

I understand the logic in changing it too as far as thinking 21 yr olds are more responsible... but in many cases they aren't. In many cases a 20 yr old is more responsible until they turn 21. It all comes down to personal control and know for yourself what is right and what is wrong and unfortunately many people can't differentiate between the 2 and those are the people that go out and do stupid things such as drink and drive.

If the age was lowered, of course a 14 yr old who wanted booze could get it... but even at 21, if a 14 yr old wants it, they can get it.

I think it should be lowered.

The legal driving age should be changed to 18 yrs!

The government changed the legal drinking age to 21 for several reasons, but the number one was the rational potential for "adults" (I don't personally consider 21 anymore adult than 18 in many cases, but whatever) to make better, smarter choices about over-indulgence and the likelihood of fewer alcohol-related problems (DUI, medical emergencies, etc).

However, by your reasoning, if one were to change it to 18 (and you're right -- if its wanted badly enough an 18 yo COULD obtain it), what's to stop 14 yo's from getting alcohol? And if the drinking age were reduced to 15, what would stop 12 yo's from killing off their livers?

So there you go.........

Where I live it is 18 (uk) and I think yeah this is more reasonable!

totalaly agree im 22 and when i was in high school i got alcohol every weekend and i agree with the lady above me about the driving age if you would of asked me when i was sixteen i would of said your crazy bt knowing what i kno now 16 is two yung to drive i dont care how mature you think you are nothing can make up for experience and when your that young you juss dont have any.

Research has shown that the brain isn't fully developed until a person is at least 20. Pediatricians don't even want kids off of whole milk until they are 18 because of the brain nourishment. Alcohol impedes the brain... do the math

However I do agree with you about the drinking age.

I agree 100%. If you can go to war for our country then you should be able to go and sit at the bar and drink in our country. It's funny. You can buy a lottery ticket or a pack of smokes but you are not considered adult enough to buy yourself a drink if you want one.

I was one of the last of the in the legal 18 year old drinkers. Kids born a month later then I couldn't do it legally but I could. Figure that one out.

Most 18 to 21 year olds drink anyway so I believe the law should be changed back to the way it was. Why make criminals out of otherwise good kids. Our people in the military should at least get a free pass on this law.

I agree with you on one thing for sure, if you can be drafted(which I thought was not a law at the moment)((though I think you still have to sign up for the draft)) at 18, and fight, you should be able to drink alcohol then also....

I also agree with the first poster also, the legal age to get a license should be raised to 18, so we can help cut down on all of our youngsters dying behind the wheel.

if u let 18 year olds drink it will cause more dui's and deaths so 21 is fine 18 year olds wouldnt know when to stop drinking so just legalize marijuana and let everyone get baked so they dont want to get drunk

Here is some interesting facts -

Minimum Age for Bartending - Twenty-four (24) states in the U.S. permit adults age 18 or older to tend bar in on-premises establishments.

Minimum Age to Serve Alcohol in On-Premises Establishments - Thirty-seven (37) states that permit adults age 18 or older to serve alcoholic beverages in on-premises establishments.

Drinking Alcohol Under Age of 21 (Underage Drinking) Not Prohibited in 33 U.S. States - Thirty-three (33) states permit so-called underage persons to consume alcohol or to consume it under certain circumstances.

What About the Drinking Age? - see the link below

Smoking tobacco products doesn't impair you. At 18 you have more responsibilities, but however your parents are still responsible for some of your acts until the age of 21. Although people 18 years of age can find ways to get alcohol, lower the age limit would promote people even younger then 18 to start drinking. This can lead to an increase in death, rapes, and more unneeded crime.

i work in a bar, the legal drinking age here is 18, and i think it should be raise to at least 21. I have one main reason for this. 90% of the 18 year olds i deal with on a nighlty basis are not mature enough to handle their alcohol. They are more ignorant, and more likely to drink and drive because they dont know when to call it a night, and dont think they are as drunk as they really are. They do not listen to anyone but themself because the alcohol impares their judgment that wasnt very good to begin with sober. i know this can happen with people at older ages as well, but it is more frequent with the teens.

I cannot agree more, but it points out a bigger problem.

Our government in the US with it's myriad of laws smears the definition of what age is considered "adult" anywhere from 13 to 21.

At 13 you are "responsible for your own actions" and can be tried as an adult and executed.

At 16 (or younger with parents permission in some states) you can get married but you are not responsible enough for your own actions to consent to sex until you are 17 or 18.

They need to pick an age and be consistent.

they tried it once and it did not work the kids just could not handle it there was a lot of trouble caused by it

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