Does being small and petite affect how much alcohol you can handle?!


Does being small and petite affect how much alcohol you can handle?

i am 5'7" and 100 pounds how much do u think i can handl,e or does weight have nothing to do with it

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1 month ago
and how much could i probably handle

1 month ago
and how much could i probably handle

Yes it does! I'm a small person also and I'm not at Yoga right now because last night I had three glasses of wine on an empty stomach and the idea of bending over and putting my head on the ground causes waves of yuck to spin through my stomach. I probably should have stopped at one glass and had something to eat before I drank any more, so should you. Make sure you eat something before you drink so you don't spend your Sunday afternoon sitting in a chair in front of the computer eating crackers and drinking Sprite! But I heard I had a great time!

yes, wieght and hieght control how much alcohol your body can process in an hour.

Absolutely. Alcohol tolerance depends first on kilograms of body weight and secondly on the speed at which you metabolize it. There are charts on line that show number of drinks/hour/kg of body weight.

Yes, absolutely. Your small physique can be a challenge to drink, and oxidize (get rid) of alcohol. Do not let guys tell you otherwise. A small person can get into trouble quickly while drinking. If you do drink, no more than 1 beer, glass wine or hard drink per hour: for you a little while longer perhaps 2 hours. Be careful.

Yes, this is something my girlfriend and I laugh about all the time. Im 6 ft 2 in and over 15st 6 (about 220 pounds), my partner is female, 5 ft 2 in and 90 pounds! I can handle a bottle of wine in a night, easy! She gets the same off about 1 glass! I have not ever been a big drinker, and neither has she, but we have big differences. This is why it is strange the limit for driving in the UK is 2 UK units - 1 pint of beer or a large glass of wine. If she was to drink this, she would be hammered. I wouldnt blink. This does affect breath tests, as I once got stopped by the police when I was 18, and I was stupid enough to have drunk 4 pints an hour earlier - the breath test was inconclusive on the road, down the station I was just under the breath limit. If my girlfriend has have drunk this, she would have been sleeping it off slumped at the wheel long before she got it started!

depends what you are drinking

i dont really think so. I'm 18, 5'4 and 115lbs. i can drink as much as any of my taller/heavier friends. I think it really depends on how much you can handle. For example I was playing a drinking game the tic tac toe shot game three in a row and down they go, with my friend shes 18, 5'6 and weighs around 125lbs. We had the shot glasses filled with hennessy or crown i forgot lol. well anyways long story short we played 2 rounds, she had lost once and I lost once so we each had 3 shots, but after my 3 shots i was fine and she was knocked out. So i really think it depends on how the person can handle the alcohol i dont think it matters of weight or height.

Definitely. You could probably get drunk off of like three beers, or even a couple shots of some type of hard liquor.

Be careful though, because your body can't handle much. You really need to take it easy when you drink.

Liquor before Beer and you're in the clear.

Beer before liquor will make you sicker.

Be careful, please!

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