Who else thinks drinking is over rated ?!

Question: man, wtf is the worlds obsession with getting cocked ? i honestly dont think the feeling i get from being drunk is THAT great...it seems to have more cons than pros, 1. depending on how much you drink (and what you drink) you ussually have a hangover the next day 2. people act like complete f*cking idiots when there drunk, they feel that its a time to confront and handle all there problems in life, and well that never seems to work out for them...and for pros, well there really isnt any...like i said it really doesnt make me feel any better about myself, i can have just as good a time sober as i can drunk...the only reason i do it is b/c thats the only think anybody ever wants to do...its ridiculous...and one more thing, i cant stand people (mostly girls) who always state they got so cocked they cant remember what they did...thats bullsh*t, i always remeber what i did when i was drunk (even after a liter of vodka) i guess its just a sluts excuse to well, be a **** lol anybody agree ?

Answers: man, wtf is the worlds obsession with getting cocked ? i honestly dont think the feeling i get from being drunk is THAT great...it seems to have more cons than pros, 1. depending on how much you drink (and what you drink) you ussually have a hangover the next day 2. people act like complete f*cking idiots when there drunk, they feel that its a time to confront and handle all there problems in life, and well that never seems to work out for them...and for pros, well there really isnt any...like i said it really doesnt make me feel any better about myself, i can have just as good a time sober as i can drunk...the only reason i do it is b/c thats the only think anybody ever wants to do...its ridiculous...and one more thing, i cant stand people (mostly girls) who always state they got so cocked they cant remember what they did...thats bullsh*t, i always remeber what i did when i was drunk (even after a liter of vodka) i guess its just a sluts excuse to well, be a **** lol anybody agree ?

Well said, it worth a star for you. Let me add one thing: alcohol is a depressive. It is just an "illusion" that makes you feel happy, and that could be true for at least 2-4 hours. But after that?, it is scientifically probed that is a depressive

i agree =)

underaged is overated

ME!! ME!!

What's the point of getting so sloshed that you can't enjoy the company is keeping!

yh m,e

i agree, but i am presuming you smoke pot.

I know, and it does taste icky.

i agree with you.... i hate drinking .... i see no point in it... it makes people sick and it also makes them act stupid

It's seems prevelant when people are younger and are trying to get comfortable with their skin. Drinking makes them feel better immediately.



You hit the nail on the head and I'm giving you a star. Stick with your beliefs and you'll outlive all the drunks.

i hate getting drunk and having a hangover the next morning, thats why i quit drinking

I've never heard it referred to as getting cocked pole smoker.

i want to drowned my sorrows.

i am more open and outgoing when i drink. if i'm sober i won't try to pick up a lady but if i'm drunk i don't mind being shot down so i'm more bold and it's worked for me. i got this girls number that i would have never talked to sober. i felt so sick the next day that i stayed in bed almost the whole day.

I used to live for the fun of drinking and laughing with friends. Now days I feel so much better by leaving the alcohol alone.It isn't healthy and people do the dumbest stuff when they are drunk.

I completely, 100% agree with you.

Having a few drinks is nice, drinking the whole bottle isn't.

getting drunk...is dumm why would you won't to do something that makes you forget..all you have done plus black out

I feel the same way but not everyone else does...it's best to just let everyone live their own lifestyle...especially if they are old enough! Cuz there's not much else U can do...anything else is just time wasted.

I've never been drunk, personally because I have self-control and don't care to make a fool of myself in front of a bunch of people. I think its so over-rated, and am really tired of hearing stupid young kids brag about their drinking games or how many they drank at once. Like get a life.

I do, but even if I want to drink I can't because of a problem with my liver and it is not do to drinking.

haha what a rant, you must be hung over right now. stop drinking with little kids and you might find a difference and if 1 litre doesnt get you blackout drunk i suggest you drink two litres next time and then see where your at. tool.

Unfortunately, for most people it has more drawbacks than anything. For me, however, I can eliminate the depression it may cause...in fact, it gives me energy and helps me relax. I don't get hangovers because I take the time to drink some water occasionally. With that I also never black out or do anything completely moronic. I don't even puke (unless I ate too much priorly.) So, for me, the one and only drawback: it can get expensive. So, it's rare that I drink...

I tend to agree with you the older I get

Getting wrecked out of our mind for a few hours and then having to put up with anhangover all the next day makes no sense

It's so funny....you would never eat anything that you knew was going to make you sick and naseous but yuou'll drink it....odd

Drinking only lowers your self for many reasons and levels.
1.) bad breath
2.) kills brain cells
3.) drunk drivers
4.) lowers your class
For some families it is costly and they should find better ways to spend their time.
Are the top I can think of. People know these things,yet no1 does anything about it.
A lot people either drink or smoke, I can't stand either.

i have to say i agree. i have slutted out while drunk. but i always remember what/who i did. and i never did anything drunk that i didn't want to do sober. and then i started bar tending. being in a bar that much for so long gets you first tired of drinking yourself. and then you get really tired of drunks. people when they are drunk are just stupid. it brings out every negative trait and totally exaggerates it. lame. i am with you. i have more fun sober.

I totally agree! I mean just about everyone experiments with alcohol and gets drunk, but I don't understand the people who don't outgrow thinking that getting drunk is awesome! They look like idiots, they waste money, and get sick. No one wants to see a 40 year old guy slobbering drunk and falling down,or those girls who get drunk and have sex and use the excuse, ''oh I'm not a ****, I was just drunk'', give me a break! I just don't think its cool.

Sounds like you mostly can't stand girls...or sluts.
What a rant. Did school just get out?


Na i dont really agree. The reason i get drunk is to have fun with my friends,not to fix problems.If you don't like drinking smoke some green! theres a mellow pleasure course! But drinking for me is a social thing,people who drink like its going out of style now thats a bad habbit and thats wrong but for fun,why not you only live once you know? and if you get liver cancer or whatever somewhere down the line be greatful, because soon u get to leave hell.lol j/k but yeah everyone has there poisons..

not all girls forget wut the day after, i do...

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