Wil i pass ma drug test since i dont smoke often??????????!


Wil i pass ma drug test since i dont smoke often??????????

I smoked weed on May11th. Ima apply 4 a job soon. Do u think that i will b able to pass the drug test since i dont smoke normally. wat can i do 2 speed up the cleansing process without seemin obvious 2 ma parents. Please b real wit me cuz im only 16 n need help!!!

I'd be more concerned with passing an English test.

Weed stays in your system for 30 days.

stop doing drugs and you wouldnt need to worry about failing drug test.... DUH

No, it takes much longer than that for marijuana to pass through your system and there is nothing you do about it.
Maybe you should just not smoke, ever think of that?

i hope you fail miserably.

since you dont smoke much it want take long for you system to cleanse ( no build up)

It usually takes up to 2 weeks so i hope you have another week to spare...........

Drink loads of water and take niacin twice per day....niacin can be found in the health isle with the vitamins at Walmart or Walgreen's.....

Oh and stop getting blazed....it may seem fun now, but you are wasting your life away doing drugs....you would not have to worry about this if you didn't engage in this activity....

yea just drink lots of liquids, tea, water, coffee, beer

I had a test every 2 weeks. I smoked the day after the test every time, just drank a bunch of fluids, did fine.

dude you're screwed. even if you dont smoke often the last time you smoked was just like a week ago. weed gets out of your system in a month. i dont think you'll pass your test. next time try staying away from weed.

You want me to be "real wit ya"?
Get your **** together, quit smoking weed and get a damn job.You're coming up on 18 quick man, and you need to decide what kind of man you're gonna be.
The nice answer is to say you should drink a lot. Water, cranberry juice, etc. I smoked once on a Friday night, drank a ton of juice and water and the next Friday, test came out clean.

it takes at least 30 days to get thc out of blood and urine. If they do a hair test it stays there for a much longer period of time because it is in the folical of your hair. There are a lot of things people try but honestly time is the only cure.

Anywhere from a few days to a couple of months depending on the test they use and your physiology.

You're going to work for the rest of your life, honey, and drug tests are the norm. Do you want to be afraid of drug tests for the rest of your life? You really need to think long and hard about smoking weed.

There's this cherry flavored stuff at GNC that you drink and it really works. It's a body cleanser for before you start a diet. But, honestly, I have had probably 6 jobs and applied for many more and not ONCE have I had to take a drug test. You're probably freaking about nothing. They aren't going to tell your parents even if they give you one and it comes out positive.. you just won't get that job. A lot of places are doing the hair strand drug test... they take hair from any part of the body and they test that. My job does that if they have suspicions and if you read your applicant form it should tell you if they will do that. So you're screwed if they do it like that. Good luck.. hope I helped!

grow up

NOPE!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not going to give you any tips either. There is a time window in there where it will go out of your system and its 1 month. So that means if you smoked some on May 11th it will be in your system until June 11th maybe a little less or a little longer. It stays in your hair follicles for 3 months. I hope you get caught so you can quit making these dumb choices its not worth it. You being 16 that's why I'm being so hard because that's when my brother started and he is in and out of jail, and he has almost been killed twice. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!! Oh and he has been in and out of rehab weed is a gateway drug.

You'll pass .... I'd go for a detox (milk thistle) and a liver flush .....


That will get the bad oozes outa you dude ....

water flushes your system,, remember recently the "hold your wee for a wii" contest? the lady died from too much water (cause she didnt pee), water is poisionus in excessively large amounts, sooo, what happens is after you drink a couple 20 ounces the water will skip filtration in the liver and just come out, hence you will piss water!

before your test, allways piss at least 2x, alltho my probation officer said i "flushed" after one piss. Just drink water , water water water, the day of, and you will flush, make it about a 2 hour peirod ex. 2pm drink 20 oz of water 2:30 drink another 20 oz 3pm you will have pissed at least once, drink more, 3:30 you better have pissed 2 x by now,, drink more,, 4pm right before test time drink a gatorade (its a diuretic, it will make you piss) or more water right before if you dont have a gatorade, powerade or coffee

dont worrry about them saying you flush, just tell them you work out,, I dont think they will say anything either way, (they cant legally say you flushed unless you have chems in you, thats why my PO wont test me anymore and didnt tell me I failed, she said its inconclusive and i flushed, which she cant prove i dont drink a lot of water, cause water is healthy)

what in heaven's name are you doing smoking anything at
your age? much less weed!
get your head on straight and do it now. last i heard it
takes 30 days for it to get out of your system. be aware
that any decent job will not only require a drug test to be
hired, but will conduct random tests of established employees.
using just a little weed is like being just a little pregnant. there
just ain't no such animal.

I'd like to know how how you passed your literacy test!

But seriously, mix a tablespoon of brown mustard with a glass of cold milk and drink it. That'll clean you out. Do it the night before the test and about an hour before it.

Come back in 30 days and reread what you wrote and then tell us if the "weed" was still in your system as you wrote this. I can safely bet that you have remnants of it still but for your own benefit, you should do the comparison in 30 days or so.

Now being the slacker that you are, you should know by now that putting things off, is the best way to get through life. So don't go to the clinic, put {peeing in a cup) off till next month, as you normally do with everything else and make sure not to toke till then, which I am willing to bet is the ONE thing you WON'T put off, regrettably.

I was a drug tester in the military and I can tell you that typically smoking weed once or twice will stay in your system for about two weeks. If you are a cronic (not the type, but the frequency) than it takes about a month to pass through your system. Another major factor for the amount of time THC stays in your system would be your body weight. If your skinny, it probably won't stay in your system the full period. If your a fat-body than your likely to hold it in your system longer. Golden Seal Root along with Niacin a few times a day along with LOTS and LOTS of water will do a good job flushing your system. Be careful with the pills because now testing usually includes these and draws suspicion. Also if you are too clean (piss is clear), also draws attention. Remember; piss is supposed to be yellow. I smoked through six years of the military and never got busted......

Chances are you will fail the drug test. Also, learning how to write and speak like a normal person might help you get a job, drug test or not.

it depends on the test. if its a hair test you might pass if you dont really smoke. but it really matters what test it is. it also depends on your body type and other factors. metabolism is an imortant factor also. good look passing.............i dont think people deserve to lose jobs when they simply made a mistake.

no you wont pass because weed kills your brain cells and they will notice as soon as they ask you to write down the answer to a question

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