What is the alcohol content of Guiness? I serve it in a can at work and cannot find the percentage of alcohol by volume anywhere.
Here are some facts from Wikipedia, which I think is probably a pretty good source:
Can: - 4.1 to 4.3%
Below is the link which will give LOTS of alcoholic content of what looks to be every type of Guinness beer made. Kind of interesting.
Depends on the type. Here's the WIki link that lists them all.
american brands beer-3.5
european beer 4.- - 5.0
I have a can in my fridge, direct from Dublin, and the answer is................4.2%
I think you'll find that Guiness Draught which is the most popular is 6% alcohol per volume. I think you will find that there is no difference if bottled or canned. At least that is how it is for here in Australia. I don't know if they have to vary the Alcohol content for the US market
Guiness is 4.2% in the U.S. Frame of reference is Budweiser is 5.0%.
4.6% in Jamaica. Comes in bottles only