What is the best way, (besides not drinking), to avoid getting a hangover?!

Question: hang overs are caused by dehydration, when alcohol starts exiting your system, you also lose liquid in your body. the simplest and most most effective way of avoiding hang overs is to drink lots of water before going to bed.

Answers: hang overs are caused by dehydration, when alcohol starts exiting your system, you also lose liquid in your body. the simplest and most most effective way of avoiding hang overs is to drink lots of water before going to bed.

limit your drinks and drink slow

DRink beer then drink a nonalchoholic drink then beer etc.

Drink some cooking oil before starting to drink the alcohol.... That will reduce the stomach's and the colon's capacity to absorb the alcohol and go into the blood.
You'll just gonna be a live alcohol drinking machine....

Pace yourself, and throw in a few glasses of water.

drink lots of water before you drink alcohol, during and after. make sure you are well hydrated prior to getting drunk, you'll be less likely to be hungover

Don't drink foo foo drinks such as any malt liquor drinks,other than that just know your limit.

Remeber that alcohol is a natural diuretic so most hangovers are a combination of an imbalance of natural chemicals in your body and a lack of water. Try to use this rule : Eat things that will help to soak up the acid from the alcohol such as breads, cereals etc. Also remember to drink twice as much water as you have alcohol (yes I know this means many more trips to the bathroom but you need to keep hydrated at the same time you also need to flush the toxins from your body).

Nothing cheap.

I found drinking a pint of water just before going to bed always helped....well the times I was in any state to remember to do that!

What works for me, is after you sober up enough to come to your sences at least. Drink as much water as you can. Don't force it down, but I go for 3-4 bottles of water. Then, get a good nights sleep. When you wake up, you should have to take one of the biggest P's of your life... but you won't have a hangover. Good luck!

well i have found having a glass of water inbetween every few drinks helps then when you get home down a few glasses of water. your body will beb less dehydrated! if that fails apparently ginger biscuits in the morning are supposed to sort you out!!! hope this helps

Why we get a hangover in the first place all comes down to dehydration. It doesn't matter how much you drink, alcohol will dehydrate the body and this dehydration can lead to a splitting headache the next day. It's important to rehydrate your body before you hit the sack. Ok, so the thought of drinking huge quantities of water after sinking 10 pints of beer into your gut, is not what you might call the perfect end to a great night out, but believe me, it can save you an awful lot of suffering the following day when you finally awake from your pit.

Another little known secret cure for a hangover is vitamin C. What vitamin C does is work against the effects of a chemical found in alcohol called acetylaldehyde. This little monster is what messes with you brain... and the sooner you can get that out of your system the better. It's the likely cause for disorientation, loss of short term memory, general fatigues and that nasty nausea, which coupled with a splitting headache, is just the worst kind or hangover going. So, along with water as a nightcap you might want to pop 500 mg or so of vitamin C too.

But if it's too late for prevention, then you need a hangover cure and another well known remedy is to put Ginger root through a juicer. You can buy it fresh as most supermarkets these days. Simply add your ginger juice to a glass of fresh orange juice (vitamin C again), and you'll soon be on the mend.

Another known cure for a hangover is a vegetable juice cocktail, and particularly something with tomatoes in it...

My favorite hangover cure is Waffle House before hitting home! Or eating a burrito the size of your head! :)
Good Luck!
Be Safe!
Have Fun!

Only drink when eating and only two glasses of wine or two glasses of bear. It is better not to keep alcohol in the house.

Don't drink too much. Don't mix liquors. Don't drink hard liquor after wine or beer.

limit your self drinking and drink slow and lots of water before and during drinking. u get a hang over cause u get dehydrated, so drink water

Avoid sugary drinks. The sugars are what actually cause the headaches, etc. I also used to pop a couple Ibuprophen before I went to sleep. (NOT ASPIRIN!)

Best thing that works if you still want to get really drunk. First make sure you eat a big meal before drinking. Then when you get back make sure that you eat another big meal. Also make sure to drink lots and lots of water. It also helps to add a water in between alcoholic drinks. Being hungover is really you just being dehydrated so water is the answer

1. Moderation

And when moderation fails...
2. Water
3. More water
4. Even more water
5. No sports drinks... the sodium in them draws moisture from your body.
6. 2 Advil and more water before bed.

I will drink two full pint glasses of water and take two Advil before bed on nights I've been drinking. If I haven't WAY over done it with the beer I wake up fine the next morning.

everyone says, drink lots of water while drinking? which is a smart idea, however if you are like me, and don't want to "dilute" my buzz, i've bought those pills Chasers, you can get them at any drug store, i tested them out by drinking the sweetest drinks and shots and mixing, and you know i felt great the next day! no headache, no stomachache, no vile feeling!
BUT you HAVE to follow the directions for the pills!

The only way I avoid a hangover is to drink quality liquor, Grey Goose never disappoints me. I don't agree with eating prior to drinking or drinking water in between drinks just because if you're drinking to get drunk this will most definitely slow you down, not to mention cause you to take bathroom breaks which also leads to breaking the seal... which can get pretty annoying. Wow, I do not mean to sound like an alcoholic here, but anyway I know what I'm talking about!

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