Does Anyone Know Exactly What Second-Hand Marijuana Smoke Does To You?!

Question: No official study on this has been done so the only people who can answer this for now are well.. people who smoke pot around others who don't lol. Does anyone know what second-hand marijuana smoke can do? Can one actually get high or other ill side-effects from it? Anybody experience anything when exposed to second-hand pot smoke?

Answers: No official study on this has been done so the only people who can answer this for now are well.. people who smoke pot around others who don't lol. Does anyone know what second-hand marijuana smoke can do? Can one actually get high or other ill side-effects from it? Anybody experience anything when exposed to second-hand pot smoke?

if you're exposed to it for any length of time, you will feel its effects (or should i say, its effects will feel you). yes you can get high too as in a closed room for an hour.

experiences vary from pot induced highs. for some, they see red and want to start fights; for some its music, the closer the source to their ear the better; yet again for some, its a food trip; then there's the peaceful sleep trip (as in really zonked out)

It makes one feel happy.
Try can be fun.

I know it doesn't get you a high!!!!

You can catch a contact buzz... That is about it though.

makes ya cwazy

it gives you a little bit of contact high...if its good green.

it gets u a second- hand high.

I don't really get high from 2nd hand pot smoke, just kind of hungry and tired.

You get stoned of the fumes! Its the cheap and guilt free way of getting a HIIIIGGGHHH!! MMMmmmmmmm

Oh yes.. you can actually get pretty high from second hand pot smoke... I know this for certain... been there and done that.

It turns you into the worst anti-american communist hippie, ever.


Doesn't do anything

who cares mate as long as you are getting smashed

Lots of people have experienced plenty of things when exposed to second-hand pot smoke. It's called a "contact high."

It's in the air, you breathe it, you get the same effects. [I should qualify that - you CAN get the same effects.]

Other than some minor pollutants in the paper, there is little harm done my marijuana smoke. Some people do have allergies, though.


don't worry about it i know people who have smoked for forty years and their lungs are fine and their IQ is over 160

My best friend had a boyfriend who smoked it and she did not. She said sometimes it gave her a little high and sometimes it gave her a buzz. Other times it just made her sleepy. And sometimes it didnt affect her at all.

Being one just off parole, I can tell you that it won't show up in a piss test. The parole officer told me once that I could be in a room full of smokers and not test positive. I believe in the "contact buzz", but only for those who don't smoke on a regular basis.

Everyone already knows the dangers of smoking, no matter what you smoke. You already know what the danger is to your brain when you smoke marijuana.

Just based on that information I would think you would not want to be around second hand smoke from marijuana. I don't think any of us can afford to lose any more brain cells.

I've never tried it before but I think i doesn't affect the secondhand marijuana smoker! hehehe

Second hand smoke can show up on drug test because it is absorbed through the lungs and skin just as secondhand smoke from cigarettes. Many studies have been done on second cigarette smokes effects on humans. It is the same for pot. Except that pot alters your behavior and brain. It depends on how close the environment, ventilation, time duration, etc. the non user is to the user to determine how much effect it will have on the person. The only difference first hand and second hand smoke is to the people there is that the first hand user pulls a large portion into their lungs. A second hand user just doesn't get the same quantity.

If your worried about a drug test,don't,second hand wont show up in your urine or blood,take it from me did the whole prison bit parole the whole 9 yards.When in prison you get random drug tests,and there is more drugs in there then the streets.

makes u think slower and my friend says it keeps makes her wanna have sex.isnt just tht crazy

I failed a drug test because of it once, and I had never smoked pot before.

Of course you can get high. And yes, I have experienced it.

I know only one thing and that is that ANY smoke has the same amount of harmful properties as fact, when you 'drag' stronger, you are at a higher risk for any and all of the side effects of cigarette smoking....cancers, etc.....

2nd hand smoke is bad for you no matter what is being smoked, it will wreck your lungs just like normal smokes do and increase ur risk of lung cancer many years down the track, so while ur sitting there sniffing it in thinking its great an all , ur actually just adding another nail to ur coffin.

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