Y can u buy beer in stores but not weed?!

Question: alot of people get stupid when they drink. they can get alc. poison, they drink and drive, start fights. weed u sit back relax. Doctors subscribe weed for some patients. I do drink i don't smoke weed i tried i don't like it. i just don't understand

Answers: alot of people get stupid when they drink. they can get alc. poison, they drink and drive, start fights. weed u sit back relax. Doctors subscribe weed for some patients. I do drink i don't smoke weed i tried i don't like it. i just don't understand

i think it should all be gone, look how many people get killed cause all these drunks drive, but yet that's ok and very legal.

it's illegal einstein

It's an illegal substance so they are not allowed to sell it

if you go to right store then you can buy both

It is illegal, but apart from that it is generally worth more than alchohol and easier to transport , thus if someone where to say rob the store that had say 5lbs or so all you would need is a car and bang you just made a nice chunk of change, i see it as just too risky, that of course would probably be why they wouldn't sell it in stores if it was legal...

The dealers will have no income.

what kinda question is that?

The duh question of the day. Answer, because you can't, when you grow up a bit, you'll understand that it is illegal.

oh no ! it is bad weed don't use it.

You can in many European countries like Holland, Portugal etc where it is not illegal.

when u smoke dope u get hi...period

u can have a beer or sum wine or a cosmo & not automaticly get hi

tryed to dum this down so you get it

Because........two points!

because weed is illegal


Racism mostly.
You should look up a guy called Harry J. Ansligner. The first drug czar. He's responsible for most of the modern drug laws in our country, as well as the world.

This is a direct quote by him talking about passing the marijuana tax stamp act (another thing you should look up)
There was fun in the House Health Committee during the week when the marijuana bill came up for consideration. Marijuana is Mexican opium, a plant used by Mexicans and cultivated for sale by Indians. 'When some beet field peon takes a few rares of this stuff,' explained Dr. Fred Fulsher of Mineral County, 'he thinks he has just been elected president of Mexico so he starts to execute all his political enemies...' Everybody laughed and the bill was recommended for passage." (1)

if that's not racism i don't know what is.

Probably because weed is not legal!!!

Anyway, even though most people sit back and chill when they smoke, it's still not legal. You would think that because of peoples reactions, the situation might be flipped, having alcohol illegal, but it's not. I personally think that legalizing weed is dumb. Then the government gets to put their paws into it and it becomes something totally different...

when they do finally legalize weed (after all the kennedy types are gone) we will all be gone from this earth . Remember alcohol was illegal once and that didn't stop anybody either. It's just a question of values and power. What do the people in power value. I agree with you I have seen the damage of alcohol,the only damage from weed is it is illegel and probably will give you cancer like cigaretttes. So kick back smoke a dub and drink a shot &beer.

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