What actions define an alcoholic?!

Question: Just wondering when drinking crosses from being an adult choice to being a problem.

The reason I ask is because of the teasing my husband and I get from friends. He and I are in our late 20's, no children, both employed full time, and not in debt. After work, we both enjoy having a few Jack and cokes. Our friends tease us about our grocery list including Jack, but I see no difference between that and people that drink beer or wine. We just happen to enjoy the taste of whiskey!

Just curious as to how other adults view drinking. Also, because I know it will be brought up, our friends have told us REPEATEDLY that they are just teasing, and that if they truly believed we had a drinking problem they would confront us.

Answers: Just wondering when drinking crosses from being an adult choice to being a problem.

The reason I ask is because of the teasing my husband and I get from friends. He and I are in our late 20's, no children, both employed full time, and not in debt. After work, we both enjoy having a few Jack and cokes. Our friends tease us about our grocery list including Jack, but I see no difference between that and people that drink beer or wine. We just happen to enjoy the taste of whiskey!

Just curious as to how other adults view drinking. Also, because I know it will be brought up, our friends have told us REPEATEDLY that they are just teasing, and that if they truly believed we had a drinking problem they would confront us.

Alot of people drink heavilly with no ill effects. If you don't make excuses to drink, get angry/sad/crazy when you drink, blackout, or act overly irresponsibly then there is no problem. This new millenium mindset is taking all the fun out of drinking. I swear, drinkers are going to be cold shouldered like the smokers are now in 20 years. Just relax and continue enjoying life, my Irish grandmother drank whiskeys all day every day until the day she died at 93. Not only was she fully in control of herself, but she would've told these health nazis where to go while still outliving them.

when there is no alcohol in the house they look for cooking sherry or mouthwash to drink Caz of the alcohol content

To most doctors, you would be considered alcoholics. More than one or two drinks per day. To me, no. You obviously are not letting your drinking get in the way of your responsibilities. A few drinks a day, so what.

If you didn't have a few a day would you be ok with that?If no is your answer....you have a problem.

If you cannot stop drinking once you start, you are an alcoholic. If you find yourself feeling unnatural cravings for alcohol at unusual times (e.g. first thing in the morning) you are an alcoholic. If you have ever started drinking and ended up sleeping with my brother, odds are you are an alcoholic.

You define an alcoholic!:)
Just joking an alcoholic is someone who missuses alcohol and allows it to control their lives. Alters their personality so much that they cannot function without it. When alcohol is being abused it can have a dramatic effect just like drugs can (crack, cocaine,speed, weed, etc.)
If you can function properly with and without you're probably not one.

If you really want to know if you have a problem, quit for 30 days. If you "just happen to enjoy the taste of whiskey", try drinking other NON-ALCOHOLIC drinks you like the taste of. If you can't make it for 30 days, you have a problem. You're right about one thing, there really is no functional difference between an alcoholic that drinks whiskey and and an alcoholic that drinks beer or wine. To me, and I would think to most people, a few shots of J.D. every day would seem like a lot of alcohol.

I think an addict is someone who relies on a substance to feel 'normal' or 'happy'

i think your fine chick x

I get tired of everybody thinking that if they drink regularly, they are an alcoholic.

I eat a lot of pizza, am I a pizzaholic? NO!

Alcoholism is about physical and mental dependance. If you cannot function without alcohol, if it is a primary focus in your life and disrupts other parts of your world, then you are.

If you like to relax after work with a beer or a glass of wine with your dinner (or a jack and coke with a movie or whatever) you're not an alcoholic. If you NEED that drink, then you are.


Drinking every single day isn't good. Try and cut down to a few days per week, give your body a break

If you are questioning your drinking then you could have a problem.

If you "need" or "have" to drink I think that would constitute being an alcoholic,.

whatever thumb this u alkies ,drink the jack then it goes str8 to the liver go figure...

you wanted the truth????????

you cant handle the truth you wretched lush

ah ha=op

My advice to you is to drink heavily

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