Can anyone recommend a good hangover cure?!

Question: think I'm going to need it this Sunday

Answers: think I'm going to need it this Sunday

Best hangover cure is four rounds of toast with plenty of margarine and nice big mug of tea...have a good one.

Hair of the dog - basically, carry on drinking.
I use it everytime and it always works!

a hot and cold shower (half/.half), a big cup of tea, and a fry up . Lots of sleep and a few bottles of water. works for me. a treat!

Full English...

I do not know how true it is someone once told me an apple is good if you eat that it will stop you feeling sick. I have not tried it myself.

i usually drink coke with ice. drink alot of water before you go to bed so you dont dehydrate too much whilst your sleep!

Eat a good dinner before you start...try to drink water in between some of your cocktails. Definately drink a bunch of water before you fall asleep

Scrambled egg on toast and a lot of water try to avoid caffeine

MORE BEER!!!!!!!

Well first of all - don't drink on an empty stomach, make sure that on Saturday you are drinking a lot of water before you start drinking alcohol, and don't mix a bunch of drinks - stick to one with maybe a different shot here and there. Before passing out, take 2 Advil with a full glass of water. Sunday morning - see how you feel. If it's just a headache, you didn't sleep well and you're dehydrated - drink more water (preferably room temp) and take 2 more advil. If it's your stomach, then be careful - stay away from juices and sodas, cuz they may come back up pretty quick. Try to eat something bland like crackers or scrambled eggs and toast - you need to settle the acid in your stomach without bringing it all back up on you!
I hope this helps! Trust me - these are tried and true methods!
Oh - and try to lay back down and sleep after an hour or two of waking - it definitely helps!

Sweet Tea by the bucket!

Ful lEnglish breakfast, Can/bottle of coke and most importantly
a good sh.. Then plenty of tea and/or water

Hair of the dog on monday.

I spent 4 years in the marines... we drank most of the week, every weekend, and all day of the weekend at that. The best piece of advice to avoid a hangover is to not get dehydrated. Every time that I knew that I was going to come home fucked up, I would always leave three things on my bed so that I would remember to do it before i passed out. I would leave a gallon of water, a couple of aspirin (or other pain reliever), and 2 vitamin B12. When I got back I always took the pills and drank as much water as possible without puking. After doing this, I never got a hangover. But I can still remember the times that I forgot and wanted to die the next day..... Good luck

look to prevent it drink plenty of water or perrier after you are done drinking it'll flush out most of the don't need to be too waste it to do that if not you are going to wake up all wet. jajajajajaj good luck

round table pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and an ice cold pepsi with lots of ice!

i just saw an answer that said take 2 advil before you go to bed? DO NOT DO THAT! i used to do that for years, not daily or anything like that, once a week, maybe twice a week, i ended up in the hospital with a liver malfunction caused by motrin and booze!!!!! the label is there for a reason!!!!!!!!

loads of vitemen c ie orange juice tomatoe juice lemon lime juices it makes the bad things run through and you cant overdose on them either that or stay out Monday continue drinking eating and having fun and dont worry about Tuesday report in sick with food related problems and you dont want to pass it on, arrange meating with bank adviser
to arrange Loan for next three days and your flight to >>>>
that cures most hangovers
Cheers Ian

what works best for me is drinking a lot of water before bed, 2-3 glasses, then take two pain relievers, and keep a full glass of water by your bed, cuz in the middle of the night I always get thirsty. Then in the morning, SLEEP! haha, if possible if not? more water, don't take pain relievers on an empty stomach in the morning though, that is recipe for puking. Then BLUE gatorade (personal pref) and Revive Vitamin Water (it has tons 'o B vitamins in it!)

don't drink anything with juice (screw drivers, etc) get mixed drinks with soda water (no sugar) or just stick to beer!

Swig DayQuil the next day. It has a pain killer in it (acetiminophen) and an upper (pseudophedrine). Also, it doesn't taste too bad and kicks in quickly. Then, eat and drink in small amounts. Carbs and carbonated beverages work for me.

are you kidding? McDonalds!

you feel hungover because your body is dehydrated.Your brain is 75% water basically Your head lacks fluids and is the last place to recive it due to gravity. if you were to die of thirst it would feel like the worst hangover you ever had. when you are out drinking alchole, drink water too and drink some more when you get home take some to bed with you.

Keep hydrated!!!!

Hope that helps


Alcohol basically dehydrates your brain so you need to drink water to rehydrate yourself. I put two water bottles beside my bed if I'm going out drinking so that I remember to drink right before I pass out, and so that there's some there when I wake up. That should take care of headaches. As for feeling sick... not too much you can do about that except eat something like bread or crackers (something plain with no acid or spice) and wait till you feel better!

I don't think there any cures for hangovers but to reduce the feeling you would need water. I drink water but I really rely on Gatorade because it has electrolytes needed for your worked up liver. Drink one before you sleep, and drink another one right after you wake up.

There is debate about whether a hangover might be prevented or at least mitigated. There is currently no known proven mechanism for making oneself sober short of waiting for the body to metabolize ingested alcohol, which occurs via oxidation through the liver before alcohol leaves the body.

A four page literature review in British Medical Journal on hangover cures by Max Pittler of the Peninsula Medical School at Exeter University and colleagues concludes: "No compelling evidence exists to suggest that any conventional or complementary intervention is effective for preventing or treating alcohol hangover. The most effective way to avoid the symptoms of alcohol induced hangover is to practice moderation. Potentially beneficial remedies
Rehydration: "Effective interventions include rehydration, prostaglandin inhibitors, and vitamin B6"
Narcotics: Codeine, dihydrocodeine, tilidine and other such medication directly work against many of the effects of alcohol hangover. However, preparations containing acetaminophen (paracetamol/Tylenol) should be avoided if possible when alcohol is in the system because of the risk of potentially fatal liver damage. Consumption of narcotics along with alcohol or shortly after consumption thereof is potentially dangerous in itself because of added depressant effects on the central nervous system.
Magnesium: It is well studied that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a magnesium deficiency, or reduce levels of magnesium, as well as depleting zinc and other minerals. Individuals with lower magnesium levels may experience more severe hangovers. A healthy diet that contains an adequate intake of magnesium and other minerals may help in the long term to reduce the effects of hangovers. The hangover symptoms of headache, and light and sound senitivity, are very similar to those of migraine. A common treatment for chronic migraine headaches is magnesium. Some scientists hypothesize that a hangover may be exhibiting at least some symptoms of an acute magnesium deficiency.
Opuntia ficus indica: A 2004 clinical study suggests that taking an extract of a prickly pear cactus fruit (Opuntia ficus indica) five hours before drinking had a statistically significant effect on three hangover symptoms. "Three of the 9 symptoms – nausea, dry mouth, and anorexia – were significantly reduced by OFI." (Anorexia in this context simply means loss of appetite, not to be confused with anorexia nervosa.)
The authors conclude, "The symptoms of the alcohol hangover are largely due to the activation of inflammation. An extract of the OFI plant has a moderate effect on reducing hangover symptoms, apparently by inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators." Tolfenamic acid:
A study concludes, "TA was found significantly better than placebo in the subjective evaluation of drug efficacy and in reducing the reported hangover symptoms in general. In the TA group, significantly lower symptom scores were obtained for headache, and for nausea, vomiting, irritation, tremor, thirst, and dryness of mouth.
Vitamin B6 (pyritinol): Some studies have found that Vitamin B6 reduces hangovers.
Chlormethiazole: "Chlormethiazole was found to lower blood pressure and adrenaline output and, furthermore, to relieve unpleasant physical symptoms, but did not affect fatigue and drowsiness.
The cognitive test results were only slightly influenced by this agent, while psychomotor performance was significantly impaired. Subjects with severe subjective hangover seemed to benefit more from the chlormethiazole treatment than subjects with a mild hangover. However, all 8 subjects had unpleasant nasal symptoms following chlormethiazole, and it is therefore not an ideal hypnotic for this age group.
Rosiglitazone: [Study in rats] "Rosiglitazone alleviated the symptoms of ethanol-induced hangover by inducing ALD2 expression
Acetylcysteine: There are claims that N-acetylcysteine can relieve or prevent symptoms of hangover through scavenging of acetylaldehyde.
"Artichoke and Sarsaparilla extract": A November 2004 issued U.S. Patent No. 6,824,798 states that the method described in the patent "results in complete elimination of veisalgia (hangover) in more than 80% of individuals". These plant extracts, when administered separately, do not seem to have a similar effect. The patent further states that the right combination of the extracts of both of these plants are required and that they then contain a complex of polyphenols, flavonoids, and phytosterols that are effective.


Mash and beanz.

(sorry "Jeff" what's a bunch of water)?

2 fried egg rolls and a bottle of original lucozade, always works for me! have a great night saturday!!!

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