Drinking question?!


Drinking question?

my friend is an idiot and i juss wanna prove em wrong so ne thing u go to prove em wrong would help cuz he wont believe just me but ne wayz when u drink is it not true that u become more resistant to it taking more and more to get u drunk or something close to that

Ah, cogently asked. Yes, tolerance to alcohol, as any drug, does increase with consistent intake, though it will return to previous equilibrium following a period of abstinence.

I xe yo r s dernk


yup, it does. it's similar to durg tolerance. the more you take, the higher doses you are required to take, since the initial dose will have no effect on you anymore.

ermm well, didnt get ur point / question here but let me juz say out my poit... IF U WOULD WANNA DIE FAST,, TAKE ALCOHOL... THE BEST KILLER IN TOWN ... CHEAP AND EASY

you're too young to drink

its called tolerance

What you say is true, up to a point. When an alcoholic reaches the advanced stages of alcoholism, he can drink so much that his blood alcohol levels remain high all the time, so that even one drink can make him drunk, because he already has so much alcohol in his blood. This means he is drinking all day, every day. A binge drinker is as you say, his tolerance increases and it takes more and more to get him drunk, like any other drug.

The more you drink, the higher your tolerence gets (over time). You are right.

Alcohol eats away at your Brain Cells and your Liver, Therefore the more you drink - the more stupid you become. As things go from bad to worse, you are no longer able to spell words correctly. This is what happened to President Bush.

Yes this is true..first it's a 6 pack then your up to a 12..your body gets use to the alcohol or something..and I think it also depends what your doing while your drinking..are you just sitting around (you get drunk faster) or dancing at the club (burn that beer off..need more)..I know that I can certainly drink more beer now then I could when I was just starting out..way more!! LOL

I drink on average a case of beer a day, I definitely could not do that 25 year's ago when I started.

yes especially if u drink alot cuz your body is used to it a person who seldom drinks or had never can get drunk off one to 2 beers to where any one else can take 6 to 8

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