What's the dumbest thing you've ever done drunk?!
What's the dumbest thing you've ever done drunk?
Oh god...
I have a tendancy to sing really stupid songs while drunk, ie "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts". Though most people tend to sing while drunk, just maybe not such stupid songs, lol.
I have turned too quickly to go into a room, and instead of going through the door, ran into the wall. Though I have done that a couple times while completely sober.
I fell in the toilet. Yes..fell in the toilet. I needed to use the bathroom and little did I know shortly before I needed to go one of my male friends had been in there taking a piss. He flushed (thank God) but left the seat up. Being drunk I didn't realize that the seat was up, went to sit down and well...the rest is obvious, lmao. Completely embarassing and pretty damn gross, but at least I was at a friends house.
Im not sure drinks are classified according to their intellectuality
when i was little i drank parafin because i thought it was water.....had to have my stomach pumped!
Drank more.
Drank more when I shouldn't have.
Sorry..I was never drunk
pissed on a fire
I would have to write a book.
proposed marriage....and been accepted! (she was drunk too).
answering this question
Forgot to buy more beer
Havnet come across that.
had a one night stand with a psycho chick
Fell down in my back yard, after painting indoors for a few hours and drinking vodka cokes.
ran naked thru the local town crnter