What kind of beer tastes good??!?!?!

Question: My husband just brought me a beer. It was a Budlite with lime and salt. IT was horrible.

I do not like the taste of beer, but due to a kidney infection, I am trying to drink one to flush my kidneys. The doctor suggested it.

Any suggestions?

My husband isn't a drinker either. It took me 2 hours to drink a bud lite last week.

THANKS so much!!!

Answers: My husband just brought me a beer. It was a Budlite with lime and salt. IT was horrible.

I do not like the taste of beer, but due to a kidney infection, I am trying to drink one to flush my kidneys. The doctor suggested it.

Any suggestions?

My husband isn't a drinker either. It took me 2 hours to drink a bud lite last week.

THANKS so much!!!

stay away from the dark beers....
some beers are better warmer than others.
The one that taste the best is beer #3..the first 2 are normally bitter!
Red Stripe from jamaica is good as long as you keep it cold..so don't nurse it...
on a personal note...no beer is good after 2 hours!!

Hey I like Bud Light.
I like Budweiser too..

But I like Coors light best.

coors lite basically tastes like water, you should try that. also, at whole foods, they have this cranberry drink that naturally ferments. I can't remember the name of it, but i drank it when I had kidney stones and it really helps.

Keystone tastes good because it is cheap.
Get beer in the little 6 ounce bottles it is easier to drink a little if you don't drink much.

Go to a good Pub and get a Guiness Stout on tap in a cold glass.It is like Black Milk.It is almost religious. The same in a can or bottle tastes like paint remover.

I hear the Heinekin in Holland (fresh) is worth the trip or just get a green bottle locally and make real cold.

Another dark horse is Rolling Rock, very pale and a bit watery if you can get it in the returnable old pop off top in 6 oz size like Deniro had in The Deer Hunter.

MMMMMM makes me want to fall offf the wagon.

yuengling lager tastes really good. I also like sam adams due to the variety of beer they have.

Ewww... I don't like any type of beer. I only like sweet mixed drinks.

I'm not a fan of beer either (meaning I literally HATE drinking it unless I'm already completely drunk) but I find that if it's really cold, it's much easier to drink. Warm beer (or any alcohol, really) is terrible. As for what kind to drink, I really can't help you out there as I don't think any kind tastes particularly less gross than any other. Good luck!

I think all beer sucks!!!! im a mixed drink type gal..especially sweet mixed drinks...
My husband drinks coors light.....my brother drinks miller lite...so i would suggest a light beer....try one of those two!!
your Dr. didnt suggest cranberry juice??? that does the same thing for your kidneys & tastes much better!!!
Good Luck!!!

This is very subjective. What tastes good to you might not taste good to someone else. The best way to find what you like is to go to a BREWFEST. You will meet people from every imaginable walk of life there and get to sample REAL BEER, not that commercial garbage like Bud, Miller etc. brewed by some guy in a white lab coat with a clipboard in his hand, but something brewed in a small batch by somebody who gives a S**t about the product. Another good place to sample real beer is at a BREWPUB(a restaurant that brews its own). Good luck, there are thousands of great beers waiting for you to discover.
P.S. I hate it when people put fruit in my brew!

hi there, ive tasted a lot of beers, but the onli beer i can suggest is, cider,magners,bulmers or balckthorn, these are beers that is been distilled from apples and if u put a dash of grenadine it taste good... Most of scottish people like these beers.... i like it as well.. Enjoy drinking....

San Miguel beer (from the Philippines) is the best tasting beer ever. That's guaranteed.

Corona or Guinness.

I would think that the Cranberry juice is your best option, if you go beer, Bud Light and Bud Select are going to be about the least beer tasting beers on the planet sugar, maybe a Rolling Rock or Dos Eues (XX). All of the listed above beers are almost water.

I prefer Coor's Light, which is also not a strong tasting beer.

Maybe just buy yourself a funel?

If you can handle fruity drinks and don't like the taste of regular beer then try fruit beer - traditional in Belgium, but now available all over the world. Some are sweeter than others, but they are not usually very strong. The sweetest of them don't taste like beer at all.
Most common are cherry and raspberry flavours, but there are peach, strawberry, mixed fruits and others.

Buy some belgian style beers. They are very fruity and don't taste much like beer at all. You may have to find a store that sells a whole bunch of styles of beer. There should be someone in there to point you in the right direction. May even provide samples.

Also, you could try buying some syrups from the super market to mix with the bud light to mask the horrid taste.

I like the darker the better!!!! Murphy's!! & Grimbergen!!!!!

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