Beer Question!!! Is there realy a diffference between can and bottles?!

Question: My husband hates canned beer. He hates the new plastic bottles too. So IS THERE REALY a difference between beer that is canned and bottled? If So which one do you preffer?

Answers: My husband hates canned beer. He hates the new plastic bottles too. So IS THERE REALY a difference between beer that is canned and bottled? If So which one do you preffer?

There is no difference in the beer at the time of packaging. The enemies of beer are, 1 Light 2 Time and 3 Temperature.

Cans are not exposed to light but are exposed to more temperature changes due to better thermal conductivity. Cans are also lined with a varnish coating on the inside, almost anything will corrode Aluminum!

Taste buds are complex, and they are also influenced by the person! There is a difference in taste, perceived or actual. Drink what you like best, that is why we go to the trouble of bottling and canning! And for the same reason, provide you with 100's of brands to suit each individual's taste!
Cheers! (Responsibly)

God, yes. The same product goes into glass, plastic, or can. Glass does not affect the taste. Both plastic bottle and metal can affect the taste, sometimes dramatically. Cans in particular add a noticeable metallic taste. Plastic does to beer what it does to bottled water--subtle, but present taste of chemicals.

I only drink glass bottled or draft beers.

Yes ..totoally. I don't like canned beer either - I stick with bottled. I feel your hubby's pain.

ditto here.... my husband also does not like canned who cares, I think it might be the metal taste he doesn't like but it doesn't bother me just as long as it's really cold and I have plenty of olives to put in it....

Matb Ha...ha...Y u not just ask he???(^_*)

Glass is much better for any drink.

glass bottles seems better and stronger

canned beer can picj up other taste from cans like metal taste for some people, bottle beer sems to stay colder long?
relly good beer shouldn't be canned at all!

There's a big difference between them.
Bottles always taste better. With cans, I can't do much but think of rusty metal.
It's kind of like microwaving canned soup instead of warming it up on the oven. There's a major taste difference.

Can changes the taste of beer and also the kind of beer goes into the can is different from the kind goes into the bottle. The are brewed separately. For me Glass bottles work always...

I only drink bear from a glass bottle
I guess its kinda like coke in a can or plastic vs coke in a glass bottle
glass bottle wins every time

i prefer beer in a bottle too, it dosnt have a tin taste too it like canned beer can or does..

Beer cans vs bottles. The eternal question of beer drinkers around the world. Over the past several years, beer cans have become superior to bottles. In the past, the cans were not lined very well and there was a definitive taste difference compared to bottles. Recently, beer canners have developed techniques to line the cans to prevent these off flavors. In the case of bottled beer, light is a big factor; especially in green and clear bottles. The frequencies of light that can pass through green and clear bottles affects the flavors of the hops used in beer. Hops add bitterness, flavor, and aroma to beer. The light reaction with the hops forms a taste of skunkiness in the beer. Brown bottles are almost 90% resistent to these light frequencies, however, cans are 100% resistent. It is surprising that more beer makers don't use canning lines, since the canning is much less expensive than bottling. As an experiment, buy your husband the canned and bottled version of his favorite beer. Pour into 2 glasses one of each; one can and one bottle version. Have him taste both without knowing which is which. He may like the taste of skunk in his beer, but the canned version will be much fresher and tastier.

I agree with your husband. I don't know why, but it just don't taste the same.

The actual beer is the same. The cans will give it an aluminum kind of taste. I can honestly say, I have taken taste tests, and can tell the difference. Bottled beer is definitely better tasting. I do buy plastic bottles occasionally, when I'm not wanting glass around. It's definitely better than the cans as well. Your hubby is right.

Definitely glass. Pop the top and pour into a Pilsener glass to let the head form and release the flavor. The only way to drink a beer.

As a beer drinker I say yes there is a difference. Beer from the can has an aluminum taste but it stays colder longer. Beer from a bottle taste better but is also gassier because the hole is smaller so you take in more air.

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