How many of you are actually Alcoholics?!

Question: how many are recovering alcoholics? or just social drinkers?

I am in recovery so i try and stay away from here, but i was just curious.

Answers: how many are recovering alcoholics? or just social drinkers?

I am in recovery so i try and stay away from here, but i was just curious.

Not me dear.

Alright, I am a social boredom drinker.

And ignore all of the tarts on here, getcher *** back to P&S.

A nice lady asked a question because she was having a bad day and needed help. You ppl treatd her like dirt. Report It

Other Answers (8)

  • dahlia's Avatar by dahlia
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  • if you're in recovery, let me ask you a question....

    are you asking this so you can justify your own social drinking?

    i do get dependent on alcohol sometimes to socialize with people

    I suppose it depends on your definition. I drink almost daily, but generally not so much as is considered unhealthy - 2 or 3 drinks.

    By definition I am an alcoholic. If I have one I usually want 2 or 3 more. In social situations with others I drink and we usually all get a good buzz going. I love weddings as the booze is free flowing. I like a glass of wine or two each night with dinner. We usually don't go to any social event unless beverages are present. I blacked out plenty of times at university. I have had the hair of the dog more than a few times. Like I say by definition I am.

    I drink a glass of wine everyday because I love wine and it helps my health, but I hate getting drunk.

    I wish you luck with your recovery!

    I should not even be reading words like wine or beer. I am trying to quit, have only been sober for 40 days, the longest in 8 years.

    I also have been afraid to check my liver, I fear the worst. I quit only for health reasons, even though it has destroyed many aspects of my life, including financially.

    im in recovery nearly 18 months soba, lapsed bout 9 weeks ago, first time drank for 7 weeks non stop, it was like ide never been away, hard work t get back of it again, now im trying t keep me drinking t now and again, dont no how thatll work, anyway good luck in your recovery just beware one drink can easily lead t another.

    Do you try to stay away from here because you are afraid someone will offer you a drink over the internet? ummm...ok?! And since you say that you do try to stay away from here why do your stats read this:

    Total answers 2846
    Best answers 782

    Questions asked 289
    Resolved questions 286
    Stars received 638

    and you have only been a member for 10 months? Might wanna adjust those meds..

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