Why do u allways feel sick the next day after going out drinking?!


Why do u allways feel sick the next day after going out drinking?

alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it makes us pee, we lose our natural body water when we drink alcohol, how much we lose depends on how much alcohol we drink, when we get too dehydrated, the brains lining ( called the meninges ) shrink... this shrinking causes headaches and this general feeling of sickness... usually respond to fluids ( water, juice , not soda... also a diuretic ) and over the counter pain medications ( eg paracetamol, acetaminophen... etc... )

that basically explains a hangover

PS im a doctor, i enjoy the the occasional beer now and then, not exempted from hangovers, actually did research in med school about hangovers...

PS2 when you drink, don`t drive...

use a 4 iron... and remember it can really mess up your putt...just kidding... : )

I don't I been drinking heavily for the past 25 year's And I feel great in the morning as a matter of fact I'm drinking now

because u lose water when u have alcohol and the brain needs water...thats why u end up with a headache the morning after the late night binge... drink a couple of glasses of water before u sleep and if u can keep a bottle of water next to u and have it if u wake up in the night or on waking up the next morning

Its called a hangover

intake was to much. or you got a bad belly that needs check out.

Because alcohol dehydrates you. First, you probably shouldn't be drinking that much anyway, but if you do you should drink a large glass of water before going to bed.

because you are dehydrated.

because the alcohol settles on your stomache and/or you overdue the drinking

this is the way your body tells you that you have poisoned yourself . water and a brisk walk. Stick to weed.

Conscience is the amount of alcohol that doesnt give you hangover the next morning :-)

School has taught me that alcohol takes time to absorb in your system. So the next morning the alcohol can absorbe through your blood system slower depending on how much you weigh. You could be more drunk than the night before. Depending on your weight!! Women tend to feel more drunk the next day than the night before!!!

Alcohol is toxic. Your body is able to process and eliminate many poisons, including alcohol, in limited amounts. If you exceed the amount it can process, you feel bad because you are literally poisoned. Each binge kills some brain cells and damages your liver. If you really overdo it, you can fall asleep and never wake up. Please, if you enjoy drinking with friends, find your limit and don't exceed it. A few hours of the alcohol high is not worth the pain the next day, the embarrassment if you do something really stupid while under the influence, the permanent damage to your brain and liver, and the potential to lose your life.

Because you are dehydrated. Try drinking tons of water and taking a multivitamin before you go to bed. It works WONDERS. I havent had a hang over in years since starting this routine.

i heard in nursing class that your brain cells get dehydrated or something like that,..... well if i'm wrong, then so be it, i was probably hung over and can't remember....

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