What is the best remedy for hangover?!


What is the best remedy for hangover?

Hangovers are a combination of many things, basically your body has been poisened by the alcohol which causes you to have major imbalances in your system.

To counter act these ther are a few things you can do.

1) Drink Loads of water before going to bed and when you wake up. This will rehydrate you because alcohol is a diahretic but will also help you flush the toxins out of your system.

2) Take a paracetomol before you go to sleep. This will help kick start your body into combating the alcohol

3) Get as much sugar as you can into your system, alcohol makes you hypoglycemic so putting sugar back in will have you feeling a thousand times better

4) Finally if all else fails grab yourself a really greasy fry up and start back on the booze you'll be right as rain before you know it.

cold pizza and flat coke.

a McD large meal...

and a couple of aspirins...

eat a banana

raw egg mixed up , downed in one

don't get drunk the night before.

rehydrate your body with fluids and potassium

a pint of water before bed. then a chocolate bar and a flat coke in the morning, i swear by it

Water and rest.

Don't drink lol, drink plenty of water

Coke slushie has always helped me

Greasy food and 2 paracetamol always does the trick.

Irn bru and sudafed. Sudafed gives you a boost that most painkillers dont.

lots and lots of water, 2 migrane tablets and a decent greasy meal

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

(in other words, don't get drunk!)

Another two pints. My mate thinks human p*ss will work but I havent tried it. Honest.

hair of the dog...and a greasy meal works for me!!

you have to drink alot of water. and take a bunch of aspirin. Also, tomato juice helps, if you can stomach it =)

nothing after the fact. But there is hope for the future!! Before you go to bed when your totally smashed.........drink a Gatorade and take an aspirin (preferable motrin) I promise you will wake up feeling great!!!!

1 paracetamol and a pint of water

or just drink little swigs of water inbeetween each beer so it rehydrates u

drink at least 2 pints of water before sleep, if not to drunk to find a tap, get up when you wake up, get cleaned up & eat

best cure for a hang over is = STAY DRUNK lmao

Take an ibuprophen. Drink a couple cups of water.

Lay down with a nice comfy pillow and rest for 30 minutes.

Get up, take a second ibuprophen and water (since 2 is ok to take, just spread them out like this).

You will feel like a million bucks within the hour.

Paracetamol and milk. Plus, a tip for the future - if you drink enough water that you feel you can't drink any more (comfortably) before you go to bed/stop drinking alcohol it will off-set the worst symptoms by keeping you relatively hydrated.

drink lots and lots of COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! i dont know why but it helps!!

Well my advice is dont overslep the next day, (take about 9 hours of sleep) then get up have some coffee and dont stress it, you will be fine after the coffee and a ciggarette.

Lucozade or Ice Cream work really well

orange juice and a piece of toast or a crumpet!

Definitley a McDonalds.

Nothing like a sausage and egg mcmuffin meal or a big mac! they are ideal for even the biggest of hangovers! ooh and cheese and onion crisps and chocolate biscuits!

During the time that you are drinking, randomly space out your alcoholic beverages with water throughout the night and then before you go to bed drink 10-20oz of water. A hangover is caused by alcohol poisoning and dehydration. To remedy a hangover while you already have have the hangover all you have to do is drink more and your only 3 beers away from a beautiful day as long as you can keep'em down.

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