What is the best way to stop drinking alcohol?!


What is the best way to stop drinking alcohol?

I've decided its time to quit do you guys have any tips?

start smokin weed

Don't buy it. Avoid people who drink heavy.

don't buy it & don't go any where that it is served...or i could go even further & say just don't pick it up & drink it just like im sure you would't pick up poisen and eat it!

Just don't do it then. I stopped drinking any alc years ago. It's better for your health.

Make yourself exercise before having a drink. By then I am usually too tired...Good luck

The best way to get away from drinking alcohol is to keep yourself from being around it and ask those that you're closest to for support.

Get some self control?

I don't care if it's a chemical addiction at this point or not, it will always come down to mind over matter.

dont drink alcohol. i think thats a good place to start.

get one of those ankle bracelets on and have them monitor your every move...

Yes,stay indoors till the craving passes

Change your friends, environment, pick up a hobby. Remove yourself from anyone or anything that will tempt you. Make sure you're doing this for you. Know what your really willing to risk to quit. Try counseling if your struggling. But the best way is to remove the temptation. hope this helped

Stay away from people and things that tempt you into Drinking. Find something else to do, so whenever you feel like drinking, you can do that thing instead.

throw away all the alcohol in your house.

call me crazy but AA works for some people-- but the hardest is staying away from the lifestyle, the friends who are always drunk all weekend, and dont buy it..good luck

You should just stop drinking flat out! You might wanna try hitting up some AA meetings, I've been to them and they are very uplifting, even if you're not an "alcoholic".

P.S. good luck / congrats!

remove any alcohol from your house. don't go to parties and bars. switch to non alcohol drinks like st pauli girl n.a. beer or virgin daquiries.

Dont drink, just say NO.
Stay busy with other things. If the people you hang out with drink all the time you might have to stop hanging out with them.
Good luck :)

Avoid parties or going out to bars, etc. with friends. You may decide you don't want to drink anymore, but going out with friends and watching them drink will be tempting! Then you'll just have a little... 5 drinks later!! You know the deal.
Also, don't purchase alcohol. If you have any in your home, get rid of it. Find healthy outlets, do something you love... that doesn't involve drinking. Instead of going to a bar, go play miniature golf or something stupid like that... just so you're keeping your mind off of it.

well it might be a little hard quiting something if you really like doing it or if you are addicted. if you are addicted it will definantly be hard. just remember that if you are having trouble quiting your friends are mostly the ones you need help from.

I would say its time to quit the binge drinking weekends. But the scoial drink seems ok to me no offense. But just stop and try to feel comfortable with yourself and you will be fine even in the most awkward parties

Hmmm...get pregnant! Haha..JK. I used to be a heavy weight drinker. Partied everyweekend sometimes got drunk during the week too. I had to stop during my pregnancy and I just never started again. I even find it hard to drink sometimes if I try.

Sobriety definately is more preferable once you get used to it!

consult the alcoholics anonymous hot line and also try thinking about the long term effects it can have on your body such as liver and heart problems before drinking and consuming heavy doses.

Just quit cold turkey. Stop once and for all. Might be difficult in the beginning but afterwards you will enjoy the benefits. Good luck.

dont buy any.... have someone go to the store and get groceries for you. just avoid any temptations by staying away from the cause.

Dont pour it in your mouth

The smallest moon is Deimos, at Mars

Slowly. If you are a heavy drinker quitting cold turkey might not be the best way. I used to be a heavy drinker and I quit by just simply cutting back. If you go to a bar - only take so much money with you...have your friends watch how much you spend or drink. If you go to a party - be the DD or again have someone watch you. I was not always strong enough to resist and I had friends who were like hey its cool we will all cut back. If they dont support you - hang out with someone new. OR get a hobby that you love. Its easier to keep your mind of drinking hwen you have something else you would rather do.

Just don't put it into your mouth. Simple.

I went to a counseling resort in Tucson, Arizona. Before I turned myself in there, I drank Alcohol to kill my pain after my mother's death. My friends and relatives thought I was suicidal, but I was not. But I was pretty much close to it though. Taking pain killers and drinking could have done me in.

You have to realize that it's not bad to admit that you were an alcoholic. It's when you realize and stop.

Be strong because you're not alone. Take it from one whose been through this.

Please dont stop. We apprecaite your buisness.
Pete Coors.

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