Do you prefer drinking wine over beer and why?!


Do you prefer drinking wine over beer and why?

I used to drink mainly beer when going out, but have started to like wine - I prefer red, but its still hard to get used to the taste, but I like how it affects me, its a very happy buzz. Is this why alot of people like wine? With beer, I just feel bloated and no buzz. I still like a cold beer in the summer tho! I am only a social drinker and trying to find a good red wine.

i agree: there's nothing like a cold beer on a hot summer's day, especially if you are sitting at a nice pub by a sleepy river somewhere....however, beer makes me feel bloated in a way that wine never does. i usually drink white wine because although red is great too it tends to give me an acid stomach sometimes. worse than that though is the hangover from red wine with the characteristic pounding headache at the front of your head (white wine or beer never do this).

I prefer wine but i beer is cheeper so when i am low on cash i drink beer.

I drink beer mostly, but wine can be nice with a meal.

Red wine doesn't have as many calories as beer and research shows a glass of wine can actually be good for you. Not to mention how it compliments certain meals.

I personally drink wine especially red. Just a good glass that you can sip on all evening. Instead of the feeling of beer that you could gulp down. don't get me wrong, some days I feel like a beer but ur right about feeling bloated. I always have a bottle chilling when nights I want to have with dinner. Plus none of friends drink it so more for me.

if at a party it depends on my mood, I enjoy a glass of wine or two with dinner or a cold beer on a warm summer evening. but at a party my taste can change significantly

theres a time and a place for every kind of alchohol...that bein said, beer is great at a game and a bbq...however myself i have over the last several yrs switched to wine for my "buzz" of social drinkin. depends on ur taste, but i like complex tastes that are associated with red wine since theres more complexity with them ...they are made with the seeds and skins, which is where the color comes from, also they are "healthier" for the heart since thats where most nutrients come from(stems,seeds,skin) for type of red wine, i prefer a full body cabernet , if u like liter types try a merlot...however i think the sweetest of reds is the pinoit noir variety which usually women love. try it. enjoy. mirrasou makes a good pino noir and brownstone makes a good cabernet , both round 10 buks a bottle.

well, i dont drink for a buzz, i drink for taste, so i would never touch beer

also, wine has more health benefits and is aesthetically pleasing on the table with dinner

wine is way better because its gets u drunk for longer

have 6 glasses of RELAX its good

Wine and beer are both nice, depending on the mood. To me beer is something that id have together with the salty fish, or crabs. Wine, especially the red more romantic. I imagine dim lights and candles, something that I would never imagine with beer:)

Also a light social drinker...I enjoy wine, both red and white depending on the menu. Although the taste of some wines aren't to your taste, after the first glass, it won't matter as Try a Syrah. It's one of my favorites and yep, it is a happy buzz. Never acquired a taste for beer and on the rare occasion that I do drink just makes me pee like crazy.

Honestly, you have to drink more beer to get the same feeling from a glass of wine and so you feel more full and bloated. I just prefer wine myself because of the taste.

My favorite red is Clos du Bois Cabernet.

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